Maybe this is not the right way of communication but I am not losing anything at least.
I am a student of mathematics from Albania and this year is the last of Bachelor degree for me.
I want very much to take Master degree to a USA UNIVERSITY and I am looking for a scholarship.
Could you instruct me how to apply?
There are not many scholarships for Master’s degrees here. If you want funding for graduate school, your best bet is to apply to PhD programs. You do not need a master’s degree in the U.S. to apply for a PhD program. – at least, that is the case for students getting their bachelor’s degree in the U.S. You might need to ask a university how your degree in Albania is perceived, and if you can apply directly to PhD programs. PhD programs will typically waive tuition and provide funding that you work part-time for as a Research Assistant or Teaching Assistant. Strong English skills are typically required for the TA positions, but may be less of an issue for RA positions.
Click on the tab labeled “Find an advising center” then search for the one closest to you. The counseolrs there will be able to help you.
@mommyrocks thank you very much for the information was really informative for me. could you give me some universities for applying please?
You can look at the rankings for graduate programs in mathematics to help you figure out where to apply. You should choose a range of competitiveness – don’t apply only to the highest ranked programs, but also look further down in the rankings depending on your qualifications. University websites will give information on their expectations for admission, so you will have to visit each website to figure out if you are competitive or not.
This list of rankings includes links to the university websites: