Need Advice: Is it worth...

<p>Hi I am a Senior with senioritis :(
So basically my SAT score is 1280, Math: 720, Writing:580, Reading:560
I am 20pts shy of the 1300SAT score requirement for Honors college in University at Buffalo and Stony Brook</p>

<p>Is it worth retaking SAT in January to boost up my score like 20-100pts (if i can)?
Basically what I am asking is, are the colleges going to take in consideration my new scores even after I apply/get in/get rejected/get deferred???</p>

<p>is it going to help me get better scholarships and potentially help me get in to college or is it too late because by that time everything is situated??????
Please help</p>

<p>call them and ask and if the answer is “yes” go for it!</p>

<p>I agree with historymom. Call or email the school and ask them when the latest they will take scores is.</p>

<p>Also, ask if the 1300 SAT is a non-mobile barrier. I’m pretty sure that if you talk to them they will tell you that a sub-1300 SAT will not be a deal breaker if the rest of your application shows that you are qualified to be in the honors program.</p>

<p>Okay I just emailed them…hopefully they’ll reply soon:)</p>