Need advice on double major or minor...

<p>Hi, I'm currently a freshman in Mech. E (2nd semester). I didn't do too well (actually quite horrendously) in my first semester, mainly cuz I guess I got carried away with freedom. In any case, I've turned over a new leaf and decided to go back to my old nerdy ways. (what? being a geek is cool!) </p>

<p>Anyways, I've started planning ahead, and I was wondering... What would be a good choice for a double major or minor, given the current projections of the job market of the future? (assuming, of course, I maintain a good gpa from now on) And what recommendations would you have for building a good resume? Externships? Internships? Clubs? Any and all advice would be appreciated!!!! Thank you!!!</p>

<p>Engineering and Medical fields are the best to go into right now. Berkeley, from what I hear, has tons of resources, so take advantage of them. Getting involved with Research would be a good step. Internships could suck up your study time, but they would also look good on your resume.</p>

<p>Such a broad question. I’m in your year too.
Check out the career center.
I would double major instead of minoring. Majoring is the same as minoring in term of pre-reqs, and just 3 more classes, so it’s a total of 8 class instead of 5 usually.</p>