Need Another Major! Please help

<p>I'm going into j-school, but since it's not a good idea to major solely in journalism because of the job market and everything, I need another major to double in. Problem is, I have no idea what to do. Political Science doesn't interest me whatsoever. What is there to major in that'd be a good match for journalism?</p>

<p>Other info: I'm a good writer and wouldn't mind doing any kind of writing for a living.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>I would say Psychology is a good major. If you major in both Journalism & Psychology, then getting a job wouldn’t be that difficult. You could either be a journalist, a psychologist, a teacher, a public relations specialist, and you could even get a job in advertisement (my history teacher told me that psychology is the #1 major for people pursuing a career in advertisement), and that’s only naming a few.</p>

<p>Are you interested in art? You could do a lot with a Journalism degree and an art major/minor.</p>

<p>Maybe economics? You could write about the economy. Or maybe business, you can understand business topics when you write about them.</p>

<p>Major in economics or business. You know who’s doing well in the news field right now? The Wall Street Journal and The Economist. Why? They have specialized in reporting business and financial news. There are a lot of businessmen out there willing to pay money to read that stuff.</p>

<p>You could double major in English, because even though there is a lot of reading, you also do a lot of writing.</p>

<p>I am a journalism major (well communication studies on a journalism track) and am minoring in english & fine arts.</p>