<p>hey y'all, would anyone mind reading my activity essay? tell me if it's engaging or cliche
(tear it apart if you'd like-i encourage it if need be):
I love children, but they often bring out the worst in me. Asking me embarrassing questions and sticking gum on my clothes, the kids I tutored in high school made me think, Stay composed; ten dollars an hour is at stake here. But when my students sailed through exams, I took part in their joy; I helped in shaping that exuberance.
My indulgence in my pupils success drew me to my colleges ______________, a program that provided health education classes to high schools with inadequate health education resources. Although the students were older, and the topics taught far more mature (rape and sexual assault), my excitement in impacting others hadnt changed. Aside from the students occasional giggles here and truculent sneers there, teaching was comfortable. Its fixed routine was a pillar to me, assuring me of my merits as a mentor. My qualities were acknowledged every time I was asked a relevant question, and I used my students recognition as positive reinforcement in connecting with my students. Teaching ultimately made me into a pillar: a strength others could be confident enough to rely on, even when I sometimes questioned its intensity.</p>
<p>any opinions? is it engaging, corny, cliche, interesting,mundane, anything special? very special or not at alll?ugh ugh ugh procratination!!!!</p>