Need Help And Your Honest Opinion!

<p>Hi I am a junior now and so many of friends swear by this website, so hopefully you can give me some answers. I am really confused, the top three schools are all reaches for me but i want to know what you honestly think my chances are and in what order. in a few months i am taking the SAT and actually feel pretty good about it, I had a bomb of a 9th grade year, was transferred to a really tough school and just bombed out but since then every year have gotten stronger and stronger. i am a strong B studnet, my 10th grade year was all b's as an ending average and this year i am taking IB's and getting again all B's and 1 A. I do play several sports, hold leadership roles and have TONS of hours with my comm. service, i have also been involved in some major fundraising and am overall pretty active. i know i will have a great essay and good rec's. that is what there is to know about me. my top three schools in order:</p>

<p>u of miami

<p>There are others like colorado, indiana, maybe vermont, maryland, and some others but the three above are what i really want. I have visited Miami and BU and love them both, am going to Michigan in a few weeks. I have my heart SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO set on one of the three, especially Miami. With Miami and Colorado, I am getting letters from people on the board who my family knows as a rec, letter although I know that carries minimal weight. Any help would be REALLY APPRECIATED! Thanks.:)</p>

<p>I want to apply early decision to one of them and need to know which you would apply to if you were me.</p>

<p>Write AMAAAZING essays and you might have 5% of a chance..HAHA! lol I'm just kidding don't stress too much. Freshman year is not regarded highly in the admissino process, SO don't get too stressed over it. However, if it has significantly dragged down your GPA, then maybe it's of concern. As long as it's near a 3.6 ish unweighted you're fine. Or around a 4.0 weighted you'll be fine. 1130 sat is like their cutoff and they say they dont have cutoffs but that is'll be ok . yes, u michigan might be a reach for you, but BU is between michigan and miami lol.</p>