I don't think I'm getting in

<p>SAT : 800 Math, 730 Critical Reading, 680 Writing</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.0/4.0 - Collegeboard says 3% of all UM applicants have a GPA between 3.0 and 3.25... I think that will be the death of me</p>

<p>captain of mock trial, captain of model un, editor in chief of yearbook club</p>

<p>I had a team of Ivy League undergrads review and edit my college essay, so it's pretty bangin (my brother goes to Harvard) haha</p>

<p>Do you think UM will still accept me? Post your responses- thanks!</p>

<p>6% of incoming students have a GPA below 3.25, but I’d imagine substantially less have an SAT score (math, particularly) as high as yours. I really have no idea, though.</p>

<p>Did you provide an explanation for you low GPA in your application? What is the explanation? What is your distribution of GPA’s throughout high school by year? If you had a very bad freshman year and your more recent semesters are in the 3.5-4.0 range, I’d imagine you have a much better shot. What is your class rank? Did you go to an exceptionally difficult high school?</p>

<p>How are your recommendations?</p>

<p>I’d imagine your decision will come down to factors like your essay, extracurriculars, and recommendations.</p>

<p>But I’ve never seen a case like this before.</p>

<p>@rankinr- yes, yes I do have a history. Freshmen and sophomore year I had a GPA of 2.77 for both years. </p>

<p>Junior year I slowed down and got a 3.6, and took my SATs high the day after prom</p>

<p>I know I’m no longer up to speed with jargon, but am I clear in understanding that you:
Drifted through most of your first 2 years of high school stoned out of your mind on drugs? And then, in your junior year, you cut back your drug use a bit and improved your grades. Next, you got assistance from Ivy Leaguers to partially write your college essay. Finally, you got high and took the SAT, scoring very well. Does that sum it up?</p>

<p>If so, then I agree with your thread title - I don’t think you’re getting in either!</p>

<p>At the very least, I hope you didn’t put what you said here in your application… and I hope none of your recommenders mentioned these facts, either.</p>

<p>Here’s a video-based piece of jargon which summarizes how I feel about this post right now… [trololololo</a> (full version with lyrics as seen on the Colbert Report) - YouTube](<a href=“trololololo (full version with lyrics as seen on the Colbert Report) - YouTube”>trololololo (full version with lyrics as seen on the Colbert Report) - YouTube)</p>

<p>Without any intention of being accusatory…</p>

<p>In any case, at least you have an upward trend. I’d still say it comes down to your recs and essay. The low GPA will be a huge detriment because it might suggest that you can’t keep up a high level of focus over an extended period of time.</p>