Hi, I am student that is interested in both fashion design and graphic design. I would love to do both, but it’s pretty impossible to major in both simultaneously.
Graphic design would be an obvious choice for me because it is offered at the college I will be attending in the fall.
If I choose to go with fashion design, I will be transferring to another university. My problem here is that I have little experience in the fashion field so I’d be transferring to a state college instead of a top tier fashion design school (those require portfolios and such, which again, I don’t have). I’m worried that if I don’t attend a top fashion school such as Pratt, FIT, Parsons, etc. I won’t be able to get my foot in the door once I’m out of college.
So, I have a few questions:
Is it possible to get a fashion design position in the industry if I don’t attend a more prestigious fashion school? I really want to get internships and work at places such as Chanel, Burberry, etc. Or can I get to those positions by working at lower level fashion places and working my way up?
If I major in graphic design instead, do you think it’d be possible for me to somehow end up working with fashion houses or something fashion related anyway?
If I major in graphic design and I ended up working at a fashion house, would it be possible to eventually become a fashion designer at the place? Or would it be more advisable to go back to university and take fashion courses on the side while holding a job and then applying for a fashion design position?
I know this sounds ridiculous, but I’m at such a standstill and I have no idea what to do at this point. I’m so stressed about this, but I feel like I cannot live without either one.
@Sempiternus, what made you choose GD originally, and why do you like fashion design at this point? I’m intrigued with your dual interest.
There are many creative possibilities for mixing graphic design with apparel design - one very specific way is to work with the actual fabric and come up with an interesting weave/pattern. So it’s not “fashion” so much as it would be a “textiles” or “fabric” major. Or it’s a very technical aspect of apparel design. The textiles major does exist at some art colleges, but I’m wondering if that major exists in a university setting as well. If you don’t currently have a portfolio and are relying on developing your skills in college, it might makes sense to see if your current college offers a textiles or fabric major - or transfer to one that does.
To answer your question about whether one can join the top fashion houses coming out of a university program, I see that Iowa State is in the top 20 schools in the world per Fashionista (only one ranking, I realize). Being on the East Coast (particularly NYC) is going to help you land a job with one of the top fashion houses. Keep in mind that you don’t need to work at the “tippy top” right away because there are newer houses and even startups which are making a name for themselves - if you are talented, you will be noticed. And regardless of which house you work for - you will WORK. I understand the hours are brutal 
Good luck!
@Mamelot, thanks for your response! I am looking into a way I can mesh both fields of design together and your answer really helped. 
Also, I originally chose graphic design because I have always enjoyed drawing and using apps such as Photoshop. I always had an interest in fashion as well, but I never actually thought about it or considered it as a major until I read about it online. Then I realized, I love fashion and it’s actually possible to contribute to it!
Additionally, I was considering getting a BFA in graphic design then attending another uni to get an AAS for fashion design.