Need help choosing your courses?

<p>hmmm...i might sign up for 4 classes and then drop 1 if I have to...maybe this schedule</p>

<p>Math 31B (4 units) <em>major requirement</em>
Econ 41 (4 units) <em>major requirement</em>...but the teacher, Brown, apparently sucks
Afrikaans 40 (5 units) <em>GE</em>
Islamic 130 <a href="4%20units">Shi'a in Islamic History</a> <-- is it a problem that this is not a GE (aka can I just use it for elective credit)</p>

<p>= 17 units...the times do work out nicely though (no logistical problems)</p>

<p>BTW, I currently have 28 units worth of AP credits...once I hit 45, will I automatically be a Sophomore or is there some other standard or benchmark to qualify?</p>

<p>You'll be a sophomore. For the first quarter, it won't matter because it's dependent on your orientation session. </p>

<p>You can always take the Islamic class another time...</p>

<p>hmmm...16 is an average load though, isn't it? (ie 17 might not be that bad) </p>

<p>This schedule works out nicely I think, especially because I am taking 2 classes for my major, 1 GE class, and 1 class I'm interested in taking in without having any time issues...</p>

<p>If I choose to drop a class, that leaves me with 12 or 13 units, which is also ok, right?</p>

<p>Yes. 12 is full-time and 13 is necessary to make ECP (don't worry about this yet; it's just one quarter and you have AP units).</p>

<p>The</a> Daily Bruin - Survey on ECP finds policy as ineffective</p>

<p>What exactly does "ECP" stand for. A google search for "UCLA ECP" yields the English Conversation Program, which I'm assuming is wrong...</p>

<p>anyone...sry, i leave 4 orientation on sunday</p>

<p>ECP is just the minimum unit requirement before you are put on probation</p>

<p>how can that be more than the full-time standard? This doesn't really worry me much, but it is somewhat confusing</p>

<p>because you can't graduate in 4 years if you take 12 units a quarter. ucla wants you out of here, so they want you to average out at higher than the minimum. but you still have the flexibility to take the minimum once in a while if you need to.</p>

<p>honestly, there's no need to hurry up and get sophomore standing. if you're lucky you might improve enrollment by a day, but most likely it will only be by a couple of hours (or even 30 minutes). don't stress over it.</p>

<p>hmmm...i think i'll see what my oc thinks of my load and then drop a class and maybe add a seminar or just stay at 3 classes</p>

<p>thank you very much</p>

<p>I might as well be your OC.</p>

<p>...why, are they usually useless? I guess i wouldn't be suprised</p>

<p>no, but they will tell you the same (or less) that we're telling you here ;)</p>

<p>i think i'm actually gonna try to be an OC next year.</p>

<p>No I just know too much for my own good.</p>

<p>mme-lin should just work for CC full time ...... or be a dept. counselor at UCLA .... or work for Collegeboard and screw people over .... she has the attitude for that. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Thanks Boelter, I think... my ambitions lie elsewhere however.</p>

<p>Yeah. In my bedroom.</p>

<p>get lost, pink.</p>

<p>i've got emm in MY bedroom next year ;)</p>

<p>Oh yeah?! I was in Emm's bedroom TODAY! On her BED! It's very COMFY!</p>