Need help crisis!!

<p>A good friend of mine applied to UConn and CCSU. If anyone doesn't know, they are both public state schools in my state --Connecticut. My friend really wanted to go to UConn Storrs - a different and the best campus available which has dorms and whatnot. However, she was waitlisted at UConn Storrs and is only able to attend the UConn Branch. She also got accepted into CCSU.</p>

<p>The PROBLEM is that if she accepts her invitation to attend a UConn branch school, she will be taken off the UConn Storrs waitlist. She REALLY REALLY wants to attend Storrs due to family reasons and dorming. She does not know what to do. If she deposits CCSU and doesn't get accepted from the waitlist, she will be stuck at CCSU.</p>

<p>Which is a better solution? Deposit CCSU or UConn Branch (she could always transfer the next year, but she doesn't want to).</p>

<p>I really need help. It seems like my friend is gambling, and I know waitlist is extremely random. Are there any alternatives? She tried to call UConn but they said that she has to be taken off the waitlist. But if she doesn't deposit to the branch, where will she end up?!!?</p>

<p>Thank you! NEED ADVICE.</p>

<p>She could always try going to community college for a semester or a year to get her gen ed classes out of the way for a low price without having to pay for housing and then transfer to UConn/wait for them to take her off their wait list. I understand her not wanting to go to CCSU and then trasfer. She’d be settling and gambling at the same time; I’m in the exact same boat right now, except a year ahead. Right now I’m at Baylor, decided I wanted to go to UConn last November, but now that I’ve been here for almost a year, it’s getting difficult to separate myself from my friends and the campus even though UConn still sounds like a nice idea, and UConn has already accepted me.</p>

<p>How much is the deposit? Can she “eat” it if she gets into UConn? Also, the longer she waits to send in the deposit to Central, the more dicey her housing prospects there get. If she wants the whole freshman year, living in the dorms etc experience, she should do that and go to Central if she doesn’t get picked off the wait list. Commuting to the branch (or going to one of the community colleges) makes sense financially, but she will miss out on the campus living experience. Which, in my opinion, is worth as much as some of the classes she will take.</p>

<p>If she attends a branch campus for something like 2 years, she is guaranteed entry as a transfer to the main campus. You may want to double check this, but it’s definitely an option.</p>

<p>I believe it is possible to transfer in to UConn after a semester. An advantage of just going to a branch campus for a semester or two and then transferring is that all your credits taken at the branch are guaranteed to transfer over. Of course, there is also the financial benefit of just going to a branch campus.</p>