Need Help Finding Smaller Catholic College

<p>Does anyone have an idea of a few Catholic colleges for a Hispanic California senior girl who has had tragedy in the family and needs a peaceful atmosphere in a warm climate. Her ECs are good, but SATs in the 1700s. </p>

<p>What about Spring Hill? Are there any more to add to this list? Your help is appreciated.</p>

<p>Look at Regis University in Denver, Seton Hill, PA…2 small Catholic Colleges that can’t be beat.</p>

<p>maybe look at in San Antonio at University of the Incarnate Word, Loyola Marymount in LA, University of Dallas, Thomas Aquinas if you want an extremely Catholic environment, Southern Catholic in Georgia is a newcomer and sort of unproven but being in on the strt of things may be exciting. If you do a search for Catholic Colleges and Universities and they sort it to southern climates you may have some luck. I am sorry for the tragedy and hope she finds a healing nurturing environment.</p>

<p>Would Spring Hill fit her academically? I happen to have visited that campus.
Are there any more suggestions? She is a remarkable young woman, but does not need an extremely competitive environment at this time of her life. Thanks for the suggestions!</p>

<p>Saint Mary’s of California has a very peaceful feeling. It is tucked up in the foothills, feels secluded and the campus is beautiful.</p>

<p>UIW is a great campus and they have a nice aid package as well…St Mary’s CA is wonderful and peaceful as well.</p>

<p>Georgia girl, I know my cousin went to Providence College in Rhode Island and really liked it, but of course, that’s if you want to go all the way to the east coast. Unfortuately I can’t be much more help than that because I haven’t done too much research on small Catholic colleges. I wish you luck though in your college search, and your family will most definitely be in my prayers.</p>

<p>Thank you for all of your suggestions. This is for a friend of the family. I am just trying to help.</p>

<p>But back to the point …Regis and Seton Hill are fine, peaceful places. Especially Seton Hill, just east of Pgh. But warm & sunny, they ain’t.</p>

<p>Good suggestions in this thread, so far. How about Barry University in Miami Shores, FL?</p>

<p>One we’ve personally heard nice things about …Mt. St. Mary’s in Emmitsburg, MD. Just down the hill from Camp David. Warmer, if not balmy clime, peaceful, beautiful location, cute little campus …just 20 miles or so south of Gettysburg, about same north of Frederick.</p>

<p>How about St. Edward’s in Austin Texas?
4900 total, 28% Hispanic.
[St</a>. Edward’s University, Center for Academic Progress](<a href=“]St”></p>

<p>I’ve heard good things about St. Leo College in Fla. Not sure how many students are there. But it will fit with the warm climate criteria.
You could also check out Immaculata University, Chestnut Hill College and Gwynedd Mercy and Cabrini College. These are all in or near Philadelphia, so the climate is certainly colder weather-wise, but I think they all provide warm, nuturing places for students!</p>

<p>I live in San Antonio and, in addition to the University of Incarnate Word (UIW) we also have St. Mary’s University and Our Lady of the Lake University here. They are all on rolling admissions and will give you a quick reply with scholarship amounts. My D attends a Catholic high school affiliated with UIW and she is taking 2 classes there now. She says the students are very friendly and the professors are nice. The campus is very pretty and is in a good location near restaurants and shopping. My D’s main interest is math and she has been disappointed by the number of classes they offer in math and engineering. But it would be good for a liberal arts focus. They also have specialties in fashion design, nursing, international business and a new pharmacy school. They are starting a football team next fall and built a new stadium in the middle of campus. </p>

<p>Seniors from my D’s high school also are applying to St. Edward’s in Austin, U of Dallas, Saint Louis University, St. Thomas (?) in Houston. A girl who graduated last year went to a Catholic school in San Diego. Is it called U of San Diego maybe??</p>

<p>Christendom College in VA, Ave Maria University in southern FL, Southern Catholic in GA are all small Catholic schools - under 1000 students</p>

<p>I went to the law school at University of San Diego and loved it. It is the most beautiful campus I have ever seen. My D went to Loyola Marymount for her first two years and then transferred to UCSD to be closer to home. She loved LMU but not L.A. LMU also has quite a large hispanic presence, and provides quite a bit of academic and emotional support.</p>

<p>Good luck to your friend- life can be so unfair.</p>

<p>St. Thomas in houston has one of the most peaceful atmospheres for any college ive ever visited</p>

<p>I am looking for a great small school in Texas that helps you to grow intellectual with lots of financial aid. I’m looking for a strong communication, journalism program and the opportunity to study abroad. I also want diversity. Do you know of any schools that meet those needs? (SAT 1700/ACT 25) I am currently applying to St. Edward’s, Austin College,and St. Mary’s. I am also looking at Louisiana. I am looking at Loyola University and Centenary(?) I would appreciate any help.</p>

<p>Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods maybe:</p>

<p>[Saint</a> Mary-of-the-Woods College](<a href=“]Saint”></p>

<p>You may also consider Belmont Abbey ([Belmont</a> Abbey College, - Liberal Arts studies:Catholic College:Benedictine heritage:Charlotte/Belmont, North Carolina](<a href=“]Belmont”> in Belmont, North Carolina. It’s not too far from the South Carolina border and is about 20 minutes from Charlotte,NC.</p>