<p>so throughout the first semester, we've read three books: lord of the flies, night, and the merchant of venice. for our semester final, our teacher said she is going to give us a few theme "kernels", and we select one to write our inclass essay on. (a theme kernel is basically a word or two that we use to make at theme statement. i.e. power, Power in the wrong hands can cause immense chaos.). With the theme statements, we are supposed to find quotes from Night, Lord of the Flies, and the Merchant of Venice the supports it. She has given us a few worksheets with some different theme kernels on them to get some practice.</p>
<p>I was hoping to get some feedback on the theme statements i have developed, and maybe get some ideas for better ones?</p>
<p>Alienation and Vulnerability/ Vulnerability is the child of alienation and leads to chaos.
Assimilation and Apathy/ Once one is assimilated to a way of life, apathy will set in.
Unity/ Unity of a group ensures strength and bonds amongst its members.
Self-Discovery/ At the end of a long ordeal, one gets to see a different side of one's self.</p>
<p>I need help with developing the theme kernel of "Equality vs Discrimination"?</p>
<p>thx :)</p>