Need help, need FA, 2100 SAT, 12 AP courses,

<p>I am an undecided major. I have narrowed my major down to Chem, Physics, or Math. I also am interested in Linguistics and Economics. I am really hoping to go the science route though. My SAT 2 scores was not so great. Math 2 was 780 and French was 580. My French teacher says she is shocked it is only a 580. I think I do not have enough time to retake the SAT 2, so, perhaps it is best to stay with schools that do not require the SAT 2.</p>

<p>I have already gotten in to TAMU, UTD, Trinity University, Austin College, and Baylor. I have gotten good scholarships to Trinity and Austin College. I have been rejected at Rice. I am waiting to hear on scholarships to the state universities, and have a scholarship to Baylor (that is not enough) but I am applying for more.</p>

<p>My mom says she loves the colleges I already got in to and just pick from those. My dad says I need to apply to more. My dad went to a top university and says I need to go to one of those. Honestly, I would love to go to a top school. But, my mom says we don't have a lot of money, and even if I got great financial aid to a far away school, transportation would be an issue. </p>

<p>Also, I am not a big football person. I would prefer a school where the social life did not revolve around sports. It is fine for sports to be there, just not have everything revolve around sports. I feel like at TAMU, everything revolves around sports.</p>

<p>I live in TX. It would be preferable if I could be at a school that is driving distance (I consider MN to be driving distance) and a place that would accept me for being a conservative Christian (not as conservative as some, but more than others, and I am not preachy, I just like to stay away from all politics, I hate having to discuss it, or be around discussions of it). So basically, a politically-uninvolved school would be great! I know some schools are known more for their activism. Oh, and a smaller school.</p>

<p>Wow! I sound like I am making a list for Santa! But..please help! Thanks!</p>