<p>Can I have some feedback on my essay. Is it ok or should I fix it???</p>
<p>Since I was a child I had a great fascination with science. I remember when I was in elementary school that I started learning about the universe and the different planets. I was amazed at the fact that there is a completely different world far beyond anything that I have ever experienced. All I could think of was the fact that there existed a world composed of so many wonders that I could explore and that I was a part of this fascinating world. In this fascination with the universe and its stars and planets, I would go out every dark night and gaze at the vast array of illuminating stars. In fact, while learning about astronomy in elementary my class took a trip to the planetarium. On my way to the planetarium, I was extremely excited wondering about the appearance of the place. Once I was inside and all the lights were turned off I couldnt believe how amazing the ceiling appeared with every constellation outlined and visible. Although I do not plan to major in astronomy, this experience introduced me to all the wonderful possibilities of science.
As a freshman and sophomore, my science teacher, Mr. Bowman revealed to me the intriguing elements of biology and chemistry. These subjects seemed appealing to me because I was curious about the world and how it functions. I was fascinated at the fact that everything and everyone could be composed of tiny particles. This idea allowed me to perceive the world in a new way. I realized that peoples decisions and actions, regardless of how small, serve to create the lives we lead. Therefore, I base my decisions and actions so that I can accomplish my goals in life.<br>
Furthermore, science allows people to not only explore the countless possibilities but also improve life by applying a combination of perseverance, open-mindedness, and diligence. By achieving these characteristics, I have become aware of these possibilities and set out to make them reality. Therefore, I plan to pursue a career in the science department so that I can apply my curious, logical and determined personality and make a contribution to improve peoples lives. Indeed, much like the scientific process, our paths might be long and difficult but with great determination they can be rewarding.</p>