<p>This is my third essay for UNC. This is by far my weakest essay and I don't know how to make it more powerful and personal especially since there is word count (the word count is around 250, i have 221 now.) Can you guys please help me make it more powerful and also please help with grammar, I am horrible at it.
Thank you!!!</p>
<li>What's the best advice you've ever received or given?
My dad has taught me many valuable lessons throughout my life. However, a couple weeks ago when we were at the park, taking our regular trail, my dad said something that I will never forget; he told me that life is not about wanting what other people have; it is about loving what you have and cherishing every moment of it. Throughout my life I have not always appreciated what God has given me. Unfortunately, I would complain of things that I didnt have, or why I am short, or why I dont have blonde hair, etc. I have spent time envying others and wanting what other people have and being unappreciative of what God has given me.
Ever since my dad has given me that advice I look at the world at a different perspective. I have spent too many years unhappy/unappreciative of my life when I could have been happy of what God has given me. I understand now that God knows what he is doing, there is a reason to why he made me the way I am, and has give me what he has. Instead of complaining I should be happy and not take the things he has given me for granted before it is too late.</li>