Need help with Essay Brainstorming

<p>Alright, the deadline is so soon and I don't have a Northwestern personal statement. I have read those questions so many times and I just have no idea of a situation that deals with me. Of course I'm made mistakes, but none have really led to a discovery. Maybe I've taken a different path but it didn't really lead to anything special. What are some good ideas brainstorming? Did anyone else have this trouble and what did you do? Maybe i'll just have to exaggerate or use something really tiny and make an abstract connection or something.</p>

<p>You're right about one thing--the deadline IS really soon.</p>

<p>My advice is to think about something ordinary in your life. In most of the essay critique books I've read, the adcoms have liked the ones that were pretty ordinary with some kind of deep insight--I'm reminded of one in which a boy was annoyed with his parents while they were driving him to take the SAT. How you act in your non-dramatic situations are what make you YOU anyway. Soooo you need to pick an experience that is uniquely your own and write it in uniquely your own way. And if you're not funny, don't try to be. And don't you dare have someone else write it for you.</p>