need help with next quarter schedule

<p>Hi I'm deciding on what class to keep or take out for the upcoming fall quarter. I registered for:
Mgmt 200
Econ 300
CSE 143
Music 117
I'm thinking to either take out cse143 or music117. I'm not sure if taking CSE with the other two would be a overload or not. I've heard that mgmt takes up a lot of time for studying.</p>

<p>I’ve taken the community college equivalent of CSE 143, but I can’t say anything about the other courses. Based on my experiences, CSE 143 is substantially more difficult and time consuming than CSE 142; get ready to spend a lot of time on it. I got an A in it over the summer, but the time I invested into it was about more than the time in 10 credits of upper-level math courses.</p>

<p>how many credits are you taking? I would drop the one that requires lots of time. You can also request the syllabus and check the workload for each class. Also, try to take classes that are required for your major. What’s your major. You can run a DARS report and see what do you need to complete your degree</p>

<p>Thank you guys for the advice. Music 117 is 2 credits, whereas the others are 5 credits each. I’m planning to apply to business school. But I also enjoyed CSE 142. I think I’ll probably take CSE another quarter then. </p>

<p>@eraserc CSE 143 definitely isn’t a cakewalk like CSE 142. If you want to make sure, CSE 143 is based on the second half of the book used in CSE 142 at the UW, “Building Java Programs” 3rd edition, from chapters 9 - 18. In my opinion, the toughest chapters are Chapter 12: Recursion followed by Chapter 17: Binary Trees, w/ a few easy ones in between. I’d recommend that you skim over those to see if you think you can handle them before coming to a decision.</p>

<p>All I gotta say about CSE 143 is: I ****ING HATE RECURSIVE BACKTRACKING SO MUCH!!!</p>

<p>In all seriousness, my class was directly based on UW’s CSE 143. Like the UW version, my final—and most time consuming—project was the Huffman Encoding project. The details aren’t in the book, so you’ll have to Google it. In summary, you have to use the Huffman compression algorithm so when the the user uses a GUI, it can encode and decode any selected text file containing any ascii characters and visually display the binary tree for it too. There are many examples of it online, but each example is vastly different and in my experience, the assignment will most likely be changed a bit to prevent plagiarism. Overall, I would say that the final project was very challenging but “fun.”</p>

<p>I’m also in CSE 143 this fall and have a similar (credits-wise) schedule:
CSE 143
EE 331 (5 credits including lab)
EE 361 (5 credits including lab)
EE 398 (1 credit, but graded)</p>

<p>When I was talking to my adviser a couple weeks ago, she mentioned it was a heavy workload but she also didn’t seem very concerned.</p>

<p>I’d say drop Music 117 since it’s only 2 credits and you can add it in another quarter when you have a lighter load otherwise. Otherwise you’re only taking 12 credits.</p>