Need help with sophomore classes/Freshman recovery

<p>So i am going to be a sophomore this year and I had a terrible freshman year. There are a lot of reasons why I did but i'd rather not list them. I took regular classes and did horrible (under 2.6 GPA). I just got my schedule and i'm worried that its to easy since i have all regular coarses besides one AICE class. I'm able to change my schedule and I'm terrible at math but good at everything else. I'm just scared I want be able to compete when it comes to college if I don't take Honors, AP, or AICE (I want to get the AICE Diploma also).</p>

<p>Biology 1
Algebra 1 (passed eoc still have to take one semester -_-)
Informal Geometry
English 2
Business Ownership
Basketball (Got thrown at me and I want something else more challenging, if you suggest anything else than this just let me know)
AICE Sociology</p>

<p>Are you a Texan too? Do you understand the pain of STAAR EOC as I do??</p>

<p>Anyways, I would think that since your GPA isn’t the best, you might want to spend your sophomore year getting the best grades possible in order to bring it up. I’m not saying that you couldn’t being it up in advanced classes, but it would be a lot easier in regular classes. The way I see it, you still have junior and senior year to take advanced classes. Good luck with everything!</p>

<p>Thanks that’s probably what i’ll do</p>