<p>So i am going to be a sophomore this year and I had a terrible freshman year. There are a lot of reasons why I did but i'd rather not list them. I took regular classes and did horrible (under 2.6 GPA). I just got my schedule and i'm worried that its to easy since i have all regular coarses besides one AICE class. I'm able to change my schedule and I'm terrible at math but good at everything else. I'm just scared I want be able to compete when it comes to college if I don't take Honors, AP, or AICE (I want to get the AICE Diploma also).</p>
<p>Biology 1
Algebra 1 (passed eoc still have to take one semester -_-)
Informal Geometry
English 2
Business Ownership
Basketball (Got thrown at me and I want something else more challenging, if you suggest anything else than this just let me know)
AICE Sociology</p>