need help

<p>I was searching for a college, and got lost. I have to apply next year, but I'm planning to make an early decision application, and need to find a college. I want to take a double major, finance and drama. I know these majors are radically different from each other, but anyway. my GPA is 3.9, and I'm more interested in ivy league and other good universities. Could you help me choosing a college that best fits my interests?</p>

<p>The only ivies where you can study finance are Penn and Cornell. The others have econ, but no business majors. MIT has finance but not sure about drama, but you can cross enroll at Wellesley.</p>

<p>Check out USC. I don’t know about finance, but I’ve heard it has a strong drama department (makes sense)–and I know it has a special scholarship program for students who want to double major in radically different areas.</p>

<p>[USC</a> Renaissance Scholars](<a href=“]USC”></p>

<p>thanks, and is there any possibility to attend upenn and drama in some other drama school? I mean not the double major in one university, but the two majors in two different colleges. thnx</p>

<p>It is very difficult to complete two majors in two different schools UNLESS the two schools already have a formal cooperative agreement.</p>

<p>If you are interested in drama, you should look at Carnegie Mellon. It is a “near-Ivy” that has a well respected theatre conservatory program.</p>

<p>Other than that, you should go back to the college-matching search engines and search for schools that offer both finance and drama. The list will probably be fairly short and easy to sift through.</p>

<p>ok, thanks for help.</p>

<p>U Maryland College Park has both majors. At NYU, you may be able to study both fields at once. Another possiblility is George Washington U.</p>