<p>So I've boiled the choice down to Case and Carnegie. And sadly, I think it will come down to money actually. I really love Carnegie. I was soo excited to get the fat letter in the mail!!! I would rather go there than to Case. But I'm worried that I won't be offered anything financial aid wise. I keep hearing that Carnegie doesn't have great aid. </p>
<p>Case offered me 20k a year on merit plus a 5k loan. My family makes quite a lot of money but we're no where close to being considered rich or anything. I'm really worried Carnegie won't offer as much and I will have to go to Case due to cost. I don't have anything against Case, it's a great school, but Carnegie is my favorite.</p>
<p>I'm in MCS for bio or chem. I don't really want to go the pre-med route, I want to eventually go into medical research. I feel like both schools would help me, but I love Carnegie so much more since I'm also involved in music. </p>
<p>So if cost weren't even the issue, which should I go to? and if cost is evaluated in, and if hopefully Carnegie offers somewhere close to what Case did, would the extra debt going the Carnegie be worth it?</p>
<p>Please give your opinion on this for I really need it. Thank-you</p>
<p>I think both are great schools! what kind of music are you into? if its classical then pick case for sure! the cleavland orchestra is top 10 in the world an plays on campus! also, there are probably more labs and research going on at case b/c of the med school, so that could get your foot in door as far as internships work experience.</p>
<p>akrolik is right. They’re both great schools. I don’t think that you can go wrong with either choice.</p>
<p>This is one where I think that if you follow your heart, you’ll make the right choice.</p>
<p>So if it’s a toss-up, pick the one with less debt.</p>
<p>Be sure to let the financial aid office know about your offer from CW. They matched RPI’s significantly better offer for me, and since CW is a similarly-ranked school you have a shot too.</p>
<p>I have heard that CMU “hates to loose students to Case”… but not sure how close they will come on a match. We tried anyway for my son.</p>
<p>I was impressed by the variety of music opportunities at Case… classes, minor, double major. That seemed neat.</p>
<p>Cleveland is hell. I lived their all through High school. However, if you have ‘classical sensibilities’, you could really take advantage of the city. Our Orchestra is top five in the world (Top 3 depending on who you ask, despite the fact that the conductor, while a genius, is a notorious anti-Semite). Additionally, the Art Museum is really spectacular, probably top five in the country and MUCH better than Pittsburgh’s. As for the music programs themselves, I think people are misguiding you based on the quality of the Cleveland Orchestra. The real ‘feeder-school’ for the Orchestra (although such a title is kind of ludicrous. After all, many third-fourth chair players have 10-15 years of professional orchestral training) is Cim (Cleveland Institute of Music). That’s not to say that Case’s program is bad, but it’s definitely not a standout, something that CIM and The Orchestra could make difficult to understand.</p>
<p>Let me know if you appeal and CMU matches CWR. S is in similar circumstance-no need and $20k merit from CWR. CMU offered a big fat $0. Very disappointed and am considering crossing them off the list. We might appeal, but we’re leaning toward Rose. IDK if they match CWR or RHIT, but both have made decent merit offers, however less than I was hoping for.</p>
<p>I just heard back from CMU about aid and it’s very close to what case offered me (I also got their 20k merit scholarship there plus a small loan). I’m surprised I got as much as as I did from Carnegie, especially after hearing how they don’t give the greatest aid. idk if I’ll appeal or not since they are already so close in cost.
xcmomof3, I would go ahead and try to appeal for your son. I would think that CMU would match Case, or at least give you more aid in your appeal. I’d be surprised if they didn’t since in my eyes at least, but are very similar, very respected schools. Plus I’ve heard they are rivals
who knows, maybe that will help.</p>
<p>yep, big time rivals. Especially in football. Case kicks CMUs ass annually.</p>
<p>@8, katyB34.
I guess its CMU’s way of determining if Case is the preferred school. If Case is the preferred, then CMU didn’t buy your admission, Case did. If CMU is your preferred, then CMU is testing your resolve by offering a slightly lower package. You come out ahead no matter. Smart.</p>
<p>Disclaimer, I have no preference in the schools. DS, CMU '06.</p>
<p>Man, I remember the 2005 homecoming game. It was probably one of the best football games I’ve ever seen. CMU wound up winning the game with a 40+ yard field goal with no time left on the clock!</p>
<p>The following year for whatever stupid reason the homecoming game was scheduled as an away game. :</p>