Need some critical eyes for auto-bio

<p>Would anyone like to help me by looking over my autobiography essay? Any critiques would be really appreciated. I'm kind of wary about what I wrote because even though I do think it's an interesting story, I'm not sure if it says enough about me as a student. It's more about my personality and goofiness in general I guess. So if anyone who has already been accepted would like to take a look.... thanks :)</p>

<p>not applying. Am very familiar with Penn. Pm me if you want me to take a quick look.</p>

<p>I’d love to look over your essay if you still need someone. I’ve already applied. =] (PM)</p>

<p>hey i applied a few days ago, lmk - im a pretty good editor and have edited a few other essays for CC users - lmk PM</p>