Need some help

<p>hey guys.....i'll be joining ucla for a masters in EE with networking as my specialisation.......wanted some help with current masters students as to which courses i should be taking for my specialisation.......also wanted to know about the relevant books so that i can get them from india since they are way cheaper here i guess........</p>

<p>about the housing, wanted to know as to which would be the cheapest area near ucla to stay at....also commuting should not be a problem since i do not plan to rent or buy a car immediately.........</p>

<p>i plan to arrive in the last wek of august and i have heard that the leases are finalised on the 1'st of september........are 4-5 days enough to find a ecent give ur views.....</p>

<p>my main concern is the books and do help me with whatever you guys can.......thanks a lot.......</p>


<p>reply guys..........</p>

<p>Most people in these forums are highschool students or undergrads. You may find better luck in graduate school forums (search on google).</p>

<p>A lot of the apartments fill up... my lease starts Sept. 1st but I signed the lease at the end of March. Have you looked into Weyburn Terrace grad school housing? It's pretty expensive, so you probably haven't...</p>

<p>nope.....i plan to reach UCLA first and then hunt for the apartments........heard from the seniors that it is possible if you reach by the end of housing is very no point trying for that.........</p>