Need Some Major Help!!! Please.

<p>So i currently am at a community college in CA and am ready to transfer. At this moment I have a 2.96 GPA and 42 credits. Fall semester is over on December 18. Therefore, i'm pretty sure that I will have the 3.0 after this semester and 56 credits. Then I will still go to CC for my spring semester since I'm hoping to transfer by Fall 2012. So I will be done with the 60 credits and the GPA should go up a bit as well. But i'm having a very hard time figuring out what schools I have a good chance at getting into. I want to stay in California for the most part. So what schools should I be looking into with the facts that I have provided?</p>

<p>I will also consider out of state schools, so any suggestions?</p>

<p>I want to apply to schools that I have a pretty good chance getting into.
Any advice will be appreciated. </p>
