Need some matches

<p>Okay I'm asking this because all I seem to have are reaches and safeties.
Okay, school preferences:
-big or medium with above average social/ nightlife experience
-Greek life would be nice
-very clean and well kept campus
-small would be time too if it has a great social life
-academics that are high above average in the social sciences(economics/polyscience)
-academics is most important, a school that would give me a shot at ivy law school
-in California or inexpensive out of state
-great financial aid if private
My stats:
-3.6 UC GPA 3.54 cumulative 3.2 UW
-(2050 SAT 640 M, 710 CR, 700 W)(retaking)
-7 AP'S by the end of senior year average 3 with 2 5's(APUSH, AP Spanish)
- super upward trend from a 2.6 sophomore year and I have an amazing explanation for my essay
Class rank: top 25 top 400 school in the nation if that means anything
SAT 2's: 720 math 2 800 Spanish 760 USH
-Had 1d in intermediate algebra but took credit recovery
200+ community service hours
-Youth group leader in catholic church
-board of directors for robotics team I'm director of finances
-debate team
-varsity pole vault 1 year and senior year next year
Thanks ahead of time</p>

<p>Having your current list of reaches and safeties would help.</p>

<p>SDSU (local) and university of Arizona are my safeties and pretty much all UCs except UCR & UCM Are my reaches</p>


<p>When you say great FA does that mean you are low income (meaning a very low EFC) or just looking for some $ to cut the cost? Do you know your EFC?</p>

<p>Like 5,000 or something… and my family has a great income ~130,000 but this is misleading since they have virtually no actual assets/savings we can barely pay off the house and cars :confused: its just get paid then only have enough for bills and a few extra stuff not even close enough for college</p>

<p>Just barely making it by on $130K will means your FA will be limited to $5.5-7.5K/year for a Stafford loan. What you need to do is find schools where your stats might get you some merit aid. You might check out some schools like Redlands which may have some merit aid left.</p>

<p>Some lower cost schools mentioned on another thread are U Minnesota TC, Stony Brook, and Massachusetts Amherst for relatively low out of state cost of attendance.</p>