Need some suggestions and chances... :]

<p>White female from Michigan.
First generation college student.
Grew up below poverty level. </p>

<p>*Applying to questbridge for Oberlin and Amherst. </p>

<p>ACT: 29 (31 Eng, 28 Math, 29 Reading, 26 Sci).
GPA: (Projected) 3.72 UW, 3.89 W. (Really bad junior first semester due to illnesses including a C- in calc and 2 Bs).</p>

<p>AP tests: (all self-study) Bio-3, Psych-4, Gov-4.
Before graduation taking: World History, Spanish (self-study), English (both), Chem (self-study), Calc AB, Prob & Stats, and US History (self-study).</p>

<p>-Self-studied Latin and am hoping to be around a third year or higher college level when I am a freshman in college. </p>

<p>I’m involved in many, many things. Too many to list.
The most important to me are:
-Starting a basketball league for innercity kids.
-Coached for girls basketball for ~4 years.
-Raised thousands of dollars for Save Darfur, Invisible Children, Humane Society, and Clark Park.
-Started a club at school to help Detroit-based charities.
-President of Awareness & Activism and Animal rights club senior year.
-Few other leadership positions.
- ~400+ Hours of community service. </p>

<p>Projected majors:
-Oberlin- Archaeological studies/ Classical civilizations.
-Albion College (honors??) – Anthropology & Sociology / History
-Mount Holyoke- Ancient History / Classics / Anthropology
-Brown (dream…/ will be applying ED)- Egyptology
-Amherst- Anthropology & Sociology / History </p>

<p>I know I have a bad GPA (for a few of these colleges), but I’m hoping that I can show a dramatic improvement in my 2nd semester of junior year if I get healthy. I also come from a really bad background and have over come many obstacles, but I use my experience to help others which I am going to try to write essays about. </p>

<p>Any other good LAC in ancient history or Classics that look as much at personal qualities as they do the numbers??</p>

<p>explain to college about your illness and emphasis your 400+ hours of community service will increase your chance of acceptance. College admissions will overlook certain low grades if you have decent reasons. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Izzy, your ecs are excellent (strong character) which will definetly help you out. Also your gpa/SAT are very good and first generation will help also. I think you have very good chances at these schools. Also make sure your Guidance Counselor writes about your illness. Two other schools to add would be Barnard and Skidmore. Best of luck!</p>

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<p>Adcoms always love the student who battles all adversities to get ahead. If you think that student is you, make sure you show it and make sure it's consistent with your GC's reports and if possible your teacher's recs. </p>

<p>Then get your 3.72 UW (as projected). Try to retake ACT and you're set.</p>

<p>PM me your essay if you're done with it and want me to take a look.</p>

<p>Ok, I know this is going to sound really stupid, but should I already be working on my essays? I'm only a junior. I'm honestly really clueless about college admissions. We don't discuss them at school and I think I've seen my counselor once since I was a freshman, and that was to switch a course. Plus, almost none of my friends are going to anything above a community college (if they're going to college at all) and I obviously have no family help. GAH! </p>

<p>And would learning Latin be considered a "hook"? </p>

<p>Haha I feel so stupid. >.<</p>

<p>Oh, I'm retaking the ACT. I took that like the first month of junior year so yeah... my psat's sucked so I'm probably going to focus on the ACT.</p>

<p>Hi, I would also recommend looking into Beloit College since you have an interest in antropology. I don't know much about the program, but it seems like it's one of their strong majors and well regarded there.</p>

<p>[url=<a href=""&gt;]Anthropology[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>I think they're definately interested in more than just stats at Beloit. I've also heard that they're really good with financial aid, including merit scholarships.</p>

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<p>Thanks louise, I completely forgot about that. I'm going to need good financial aid. It won't break me because I have rich family members who would help, but I don't want to ask them because I come from proud parents (I hope that makes sense and doesn't sound... conceited?).</p>

<p>Oh I am also taking the hardest courses I can for me, however I'm only in like the top 20% in my school because I transfered in as a freshman and they wouldn't let me test out of any courses or be placed in any honors courses as a freshman so many people were able to take AP classes in their sophomore year whereas I had to wait until Junior year >.<.</p>

<p>Will I be able to explain that on applications? My counselor probably won't because she flat out doesn't like me (it's a long story).</p>

<p>Bump. (Only one, promise. :])</p>