<p>White female from Michigan.
First generation college student.
Grew up below poverty level. </p>
<p>*Applying to questbridge for Oberlin and Amherst. </p>
<p>ACT: 29 (31 Eng, 28 Math, 29 Reading, 26 Sci).
GPA: (Projected) 3.72 UW, 3.89 W. (Really bad junior first semester due to illnesses including a C- in calc and 2 Bs).</p>
<p>AP tests: (all self-study) Bio-3, Psych-4, Gov-4.
Before graduation taking: World History, Spanish (self-study), English (both), Chem (self-study), Calc AB, Prob & Stats, and US History (self-study).</p>
<p>-Self-studied Latin and am hoping to be around a third year or higher college level when I am a freshman in college. </p>
<p>Im involved in many, many things. Too many to list.
The most important to me are:
-Starting a basketball league for innercity kids.
-Coached for girls basketball for ~4 years.
-Raised thousands of dollars for Save Darfur, Invisible Children, Humane Society, and Clark Park.
-Started a club at school to help Detroit-based charities.
-President of Awareness & Activism and Animal rights club senior year.
-Few other leadership positions.
- ~400+ Hours of community service. </p>
<p>Projected majors:
-Oberlin- Archaeological studies/ Classical civilizations.
-Albion College (honors??) Anthropology & Sociology / History
-Mount Holyoke- Ancient History / Classics / Anthropology
-Brown (dream
/ will be applying ED)- Egyptology
-Amherst- Anthropology & Sociology / History </p>
<p>I know I have a bad GPA (for a few of these colleges), but Im hoping that I can show a dramatic improvement in my 2nd semester of junior year if I get healthy. I also come from a really bad background and have over come many obstacles, but I use my experience to help others which I am going to try to write essays about. </p>
<p>Any other good LAC in ancient history or Classics that look as much at personal qualities as they do the numbers??</p>