need to get this off my chest


<p>So, after I got accepted to UCLA, I got a bit paranoid about somehow messing up my application. I reread my app and noticed that I did not report my Yearbook class
(I got an A) because I thought that if I didn't satisfy the requirements (which I thought it didn't) it wasn't supposed to be listed. I also read somewhere that even if you withdrew from a community college class, you were supposed to have listed it (I had no idea). I took a general drawing class for fun and withdrew sophomore year bc cross country meets interfered. It wasn't for any requirements and I'm taking AP drawing this year
(I got in as an art major)
Wanted clarity on these issues, I emailed UCLA, and they told me to fill out a provisional form. I was pretty worried because I thought they would tell me it was no bid deal, I mean, I had taken a class that they hadn't known about and done well, it wasn't as though I had dropped it. And I send in my Community College transcript as part of the verification process for another class I had taken, so UCLA knew I withdrew before they accepted me.<br>
My college counselor assured me it was no big deal at all, but this waiting process (15 days) is driving me insane with worry. </p>

<p>I wish I had never emailed them, because I'm sure it would have been no big deal if I hadn't.</p>

<p>What do you think? Similar situations?</p>

<p>Why do you think UCLA wanted me to do the provisional form? and cause me all of this grief? haha</p>

<p>LOL, b/c you’re causing them grief by emailing them in the first place. haha. jk.</p>

<p>hahaha seriously though If I’d known I wouldn’t have emailled</p>

<p>I would not worry about it that much. The information you didn’t include was nothing that made you look bad, so it wasn’t like you were trying to hide something from them. Just relax and you will hear from them soon. They will probably tell you that it’s fine. Now just start getting ready to come to UCLA in the fall!</p>