Needed Engineering GPA?

My son is a rising sophomore in the Electrical/Computer Engineering program at Purdue. He got through FYE and got a 3.2 GPA and got into his desired major of ECE. To get a good internship/job in his area what GPA has to be maintained? Of course, the higher the better but what GPA would be considered too low to qualify for jobs/internships?

My D is also a rising Sophomore at Purdue (chem e). She’s doing a co-op and has a minimum GPA requirement of 2.8, but I think her specific company wants a 3.2.

From what we’ve heard, 3.0 + should be target.

A few elite companies require 3.4 or higher, and several require a 3.2. I think that as long as a student has a 3.0 or higher s/he will be in good shape. Below that may take some extra effort/time.