Purdue FYE

Hey guys, I recently just completed first year engineering at Purdue. I will include my classes below
First Semester: Chem 115, MA 165 (Calc 1), Engineering 131, SCLA 101 and How stuff works
Seconds Semester: Phys 172, MA 166 (Calc 2), Engineering 132, SCLA 102 and CS 159

Feel free to ask me about classes, social life, working out or balancing time. I would love to answer!

Thanks for offering to help, I guess want to understand from what you know how hard it is to get first choice major? Is there a typical/minimum GPA that you need and again how hard it is to get that GPA?

So the typical GPA that is required so that someone can get into any major within the engineering college that they want is a 3.2 GPA. From what I’ve seen this GPA is doable, but it requires that the person works very hard and also has some natural intelligence. From what I’ve been through, this will require a lot of studying. The three classes that really did a number on my GPA were calc 1, calc 2, and CS 159. A 3.2 is doable though, it is however very dependent on studying and one’s performance on exams.