Nemerov scholarship?

<p>Hey... just wondering if anyone who applied for the Nemerov scholarship heard one way or another yet? I also applied for Mylonas and didn't make finalist-- on the page under app status it lists both as the ones I applied for (underneath the "we regret to inform you..." etc.) I was confused though because it said on the website that Nemerov ones were notified by mid-March. Anyone know if that means I'm out for both? I kinda just want them to tell me I didn't get it already :)

<p>they were all announced the same day
don’t feel too bad tho
i was rejected from both of those
and 3 others</p>

<p>Ok cool. Thanks so much… yay no more fretting then :slight_smile: Yeah I understand they’re all pretty insanely competitive. But hey, never know unless you try, right?</p>