<p>heeeells yeah, that library is so sweet. i love the futuristic little one-man study booths. and it's so frikkin HUGE!</p>
<p>'Only at Yale, students said, would the opening of a library draw over 1,000 students to Cross Campus and spur a night of partying around campus." </p>
<p>Are they SERIOUS?</p>
<p>My daughter found it amusing that people 'pre-gamed' a library opening.</p>
<p>oh I was there. it was sick.</p>
<p>It's pretty awesome. Now all it needs are some books...</p>
<p>Don't they have about 12,000,000 of those?</p>
<p>I meant in the library itself. They're currently in the process of moving the CCL books from Sterling (where they were kept while CCL was under construction) back to their home, so the shelves in the new library are pretty much empty at the moment, but that should be fixed in the next few weeks.</p>
<p>But yes, Yale definitely has plenty of books!</p>
<p>laugh if you will, but the library opening actually was pretty sick...</p>
<p>thats so freaking awesome!!!!</p>
<p>that is SO sexy.</p>