<p>Is anyone else close to tearing their hair out over the decision time being so close... I think I solved my rubik's cube like twenty times today trying to pass time
So I guess I'll start a countdown of ten more days until letters come out
Good luck to all though you won't need it</p>
<p>You should be able to get in if you can solve a rubiks cube. i cant do that for the life of me.</p>
<p>Hehe, I love how the rubik's cube is suddenly cool again. It seems like all the high school students I know are playing with them, although I suppose only a few are actually solving them. :) Good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>"Hehe, I love how the rubik's cube is suddenly cool again."</p>
<p>Huh? I think Id disagree with that</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I'm getting quite nervous.</p>
<p>"Huh? I think Id disagree with that"
Do you disagree because you think it's always been cool? or because you don't think it's cool at all?</p>
<p>yeah i think that person disagrees because he/she cant solve the cube</p>
<p>btw yeah i have been solving that cube in my spare time as well lol</p>
<p>to bad it gets old after the tenth time...</p>
<p>It gets kind of old after a while, but then you can try to beat your previous time. What's everyone's PR here? I'm still stuck at 1:12. I swear I've gotten it 3 times and I just can't move fast enough to get by it. It's driving me nuts.</p>
<p>Nice of you to brag about something so insignificant.</p>
<p>Some people do not think Rubik's Cube is interesting.</p>
<p>I am one of them.</p>
<p>I would rather play a game of soccer instead.</p>
<p>And I am positive that chillin til 08 prefers a game of baseball or football.</p>
<p>I wasn't bragging, I was starting a conversation. I know a lot of people who are a heck of a lot faster than I am, and I assumed that there had to be others on this board who have faster times than I do (there are plenty out there).</p>
<p>Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. If lacrosse games were going on at 11 o'clock at night, I'd be doing that instead, too.</p>
<p>I was referring to icsmatt... :D.</p>
<p>dont get me wrong I love playing football and basketball I played on the varsity level in both sports for three years
solving the cube is just kind of filler since it only takes 2 minutes
and yes it is coming back
gl everyone</p>
<p>I am not one to solve a rubic's cube</p>
<p>but there is a frosh at my school who can close his eyes and can do it in like 30 seconds</p>
<p>apparently he is some champion</p>
<p>But I wouldnt go right to cool when I describe it</p>
<p>But who am I to judge</p>
<p>He may think that baseball is a waste of time and has no point........</p>
<p>To each his/her own!!!!!!!</p>
<p>Oh (haha) sorry about that one, then.</p>