NESCAC Schools

Yes, I definitely assumed she’d need her 1st semester grades submitted, but a transcript can’t be generated for that until the end of January, so when I said “informal” I mean with the coach up until that point. They won’t have any senior year grades formally before the ED app is submitted. At any rate, she messaged the coach some questionts about this late yesterday, so we’ll see what they say.

There is not much benefit to getting it in super early, especially at the expense of rushing it. NESCACs don’t provide likely letters, so a decision will not be until mid-December. Certainly get it done so it’s not dragging on until the last day, but don’t feel like you need to get it done in the next 2 weeks either. Quality will be more important than getting it in sooner.

Once the application is submitted, you will have access to an application portal which has the status of every item needed (letters of recommendation, test scores, transcripts, etc.). You aren’t really dealing with an AO directly unless there is a specific issue. Even after you are admitted, you still need to provide mid-year and final year transcripts.


Super helpful! Thank you!

Posted on another board as well, but looking for some advice here. DD is a '23 soccer player looking at high academic D3 programs. We thought we’d have an offer by now. She is a very good player who was injured for most of last year so she pivoted to D3 and was not seen by coaches until late spring/early summer. She focused on a handful of schools (some NESCAC), attended camps, passed pre-reads, coaches have spoken to her club coach…and now we are just waiting…? All the coaches have said is “hang in there, we need a few more weeks…” She obviously was no ones first pick, which is fine, but has anyone had this experience and ended up with a recruited slot? I was under the impression that rosters were filled by now, is she just a possible back-up? Are they still filling rosters into September? I am trying to manage expectations and prepare for Plan B but don’t know if we should remain hopeful…

Not women’s soccer, but baseball with a series of larger camps July/early August. S was a “number 1” recruit and we did not hear back until mid to late August, and those were for OV’s first, with “offers” at the end of each OV visit. He was doing OV’s until the first week in Oct and notified all schools of his decision by the following week so his “slot” did not free up until 2nd week in October. I think August through October is the “musical chairs” period as the recruiting classes firm up. Also for team sports, the coaches are also sorting by position based on returning players, so no need for alarm at this point. Just maintain contact.


My daughter plays soccer at a NESCAC and didn’t get an actual offer until Labor Day. If she is still in somewhat regular contact with the coaches, then hang in there. But we had also started looking at schools where she wouldn’t be recruited or wouldn’t play – just in case.


Thank you for your response. I am hearing mixed things from her coach and our college counselor on timing and then she knows Lax players who all committed to NESCACs on July 1st and it is making my D panic…one coach has very specifically told her they need to fill other positions first but they really like her and need a few more weeks to see if they can add her…we will remain hopeful for now but starting to think of back-up plan…

Happy to discuss further if you want to send me a private message

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Our '22 soccer player focused on high academic D3 schools, and received an offer with coach’s support in early September, after submitting pre-reads in early July. Admittedly, last year’s recruiting calendar was delayed a bit because of Covid, but plenty of offers are made after July. Continue to express interest and stay in contact with the coaches.

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Not women’s soccer or D3 parent - but college athlete parent. Just a reminder that your child should keep communicating her interest, passion and desire to play for the team and the school. I found that our daughter didn’t want to “bug” anyone and we told her a short, positive email check in at this point is not annoying and helps to illustrate to the coach that she is a good communicator.

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Was at a d3 camp recently. Coaches are still finalizing/looking at 23’s.

Obviously I don’t know your kid or the schools and it’s always good to have other options but d3 class of 23 recruiting is not finalized yet.

Question on NESCAC (or other highly selective) recruits doing virtual interview with the college they’re verbally committed to. D is committed (accepted fully supported roster spot) to a selective NESCAC. She had registered for a virtual interview a while back that is tomorrow, via Zoom. We feel like it can’t hurt and nothing should be taken for granted (although ED admittance is highly likely). Is there any way anyone could think of that this could hurt her? She’s articulate and at least has the practice of all those coach Zooms/calls during the recruiting process. She (and we) feel she continues to need to express interest, put forth her best self as part of the application process. Any tips/suggestions on “committed” athletes interviewing? Thanks!

For your child, make sure she talks beyond her sport and is ready to talk academics - both HS and what is of interest at the college. Also, a cheat sheet of activities outside of sport, fav books, subject and why all could come up - or it could just be a conversation. Having a question or two is good or asking for advice - like a class she shouldn’t miss or anything school specific. Working in a school tradition she is looking forward too that also goes beyond sport. I think her not taking for granted admission and following through on this interview speaks to her character. Don’t forget to have her send a thank you email too after the interview and also a note to the coach to let them know she also interviewed.

Congrats to your daughter and you !


My son did an interview at a NESCAC two weeks ago. It was about 45 minutes or so. They talked about favorite books, things he does for fun, etc. It was laid back.

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Thanks so much! These are some great tips! She actually finished the rough draft of her essay this past week. Your statement about going beyond the sport resonates and makes sense. She did not set out to write about her sport, in fact, she initially wanted to and we talked her out of it for obvious reasons. She focused on overcoming a diagnosis as a child (not a sports injury) and how it ended up fostering her love for her sport (there is more nuance than that). The topic lent itself to relate the outcome, in part, to her sport, but her sport was not the context for the essay, if that makes sense. No I’m kind of second-guessing whether she should mention her sport and it at all. It was kind of an organic outcome.

I know nothing about this process, but I think your sentiment above is the exact right one.

Putting myself in the shoes of the interviewer, I would be put off if someone approached the interview as if it did not matter. Stay on message, stay hungry, show interest, make it clear that this is the dream school / #1, etc. and do not act like it’s a fait accompli (even though it probably is).


I suspect the only way she could hurt herself is by saying something really obnoxious, basically doing behaviors that would’ve made them drop her before they made the offer. In other words if she has made it this far it’s pretty darn unlikely she would do something to cost her the spot at this stage.


Thanks, everyone! She just had the interview and felt it went pretty well. One advantage of going through the recruiting process with a school is the multiple visits to the school and with current students. It felt like that allowed her to be more genuine with what she loves about the school/campus.


Dd was in the 2021 recruiting class for her sport. I believe she submitted her app about a week before the ED deadline. Her HS guidance counselor also reviewed her essay to see if any changes should be made (her HS required them to be submitted to the guidance counselors by 8/15 for review).

I don’t believe there is any upside to submitting the app earlier than the ED date unless the coach specifically requests it.

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Thanks, yes, her coach just told her as long as it’s submitted by the 11/15 deadline, timing doesn’t matter!