Does anyone has experience with NetMath at UIUC? Is it harder or easier than regular same class on campus? Any comments? I am mainly looking for Calc I, II, and III
Thank you!
Does anyone has experience with NetMath at UIUC? Is it harder or easier than regular same class on campus? Any comments? I am mainly looking for Calc I, II, and III
Thank you!
I’m in MATH241/Calc III through NetMath right now. The program is pretty big in my school, we have about 50 kids in Calc III, and around 10 more in Differential Equations and beyond.
I obviously am not taking the class on campus, but I think it’s probably on par with the on campus class. For Calc III, we use Mathable, which lets us use Mathematica online. Essentially, you learn math coding. We have 2 “TryIts” per unit filled with questions written by UIUC professors. You can turn each in once to get checked by a teacher, then get a second chance to turn it in again and try for a 100. To put that in perspective, we are on unit 10 and I haven’t lost a point there yet. We take a quiz after every unit too. Since the program is big at my school, we do have a teacher for it, so we get lectured like once or twice every two weeks, but everything you need to learn the material is in Mathable in the Basics and Tutorial for every unit.
Then, the major parts of the course. For Calc III (And I’m pretty sure DiffEq) we have two tests (90 min) and a final (3 hrs). These are written by the U of I, mailed to my school, taken by us, mailed back to UIUC, and graded by professors there. Your TryIts are worth a fair portion of your grade, so to balance that your final grade in the class can’t be more than a letter grade up from the average of your two tests.
It’s a pretty chill class. For high school we are getting a bit longer than one semester, compensating for the fact that we spend more time in school per day than a college kid. I would recommend it.
BUT for Calc I and II, maybe take AP Calc BC. I’m pretty sure Calc III costs $314ish while an AP exam for credit is only like $92.
Let me know if you have any more questions!
Thank you very much for your feedback. You must be a really talented high schooler!
Do you still need a book for this class? Are the two tests and final exam on-line? We are out of state. It would be a trouble for us if we have to be on-campus for the exams. Thanks again for your information!