<p>I've lived in L.A. my whole life, and location was the most important factor in deciding where to apply at the end of last year. San Francisco and Boston are two of my favorite cities, and so I applied (and was accepted) to Northeastern University and University of San Francisco.</p>
<p>I have no idea which college to pick. Northeastern has the better programs, along with their co-op experience, and is steadily climbing the rankings ladder. However, Boston is really cold and I've been spoiled with L.A. sunshine my whole life. Will I be able to handle it? My sister who goes to George Washingotn U. in DC, hates her school simply because of the weather.</p>
<p>USF on the hand, is in an amazing city in it's own right, and it is more reasonable weather wise. Plus, it is alot smaller, less then 5,000 undergrads compared to NEU's 14,000. I felt that I would be happier at USF after i visited the campus compared with my trip to Boston and NEU's campus. The students and administration appeared incredibly friendly and interested in my concerns, while at NEU, the students barely talked and the admissions office treated me like a number. "Go fill this form. Now take a seat and watch this video." I'd also be much closer to home (although I'm sure that won't matter too much.)</p>
<p>Anyways, right now I just have to decide whats more important. The possibility of enjoying life and being happier compared to the benefits of a more prestigious university with more options academically. Any suggestions, stories or anything else that might push me in one direction?</p>