Neurosurgery Carribbean Medical Schools

<p>Okay everyone here knows the big four medical schools in the carribbean. SGU is what im considering. However if im plannig on being a future neurosurgeon should i go to this school? And what medical school should I apply to if i want to go in to this field?</p>

<p>Thank you :)</p>

<p>doesn’t matter which field you think you want to go into don’t go to the caribbean …it should be used only as a very last resort</p>

<p>^ exactly - why are you considering SGU? Have you already applied to US schools (both allo and osteo) unsuccessfully at least once? Have you tried to improve your application/MCAT? Thought about a post-bacc or even better an SMP?? Definitely do all of these things before going to the islands. </p>

<p>On the other hand, I’ve heard the argument that if your application is so far gone that it would take years and years to correct here, going to a carrib. school offers a way to just get your MD, even though you will have massive hoops to jump through.</p>

<p>Whats your GPA/MCAT like?</p>

<p>:S there are other career options you can do with that undergrad… not to come off wrong but. Make sure being a doctor is really your calling and your patients will thank you.</p>