Never took a language?

<p>I never did, at least in high school. I took Spanish in Freshman year in Hgih School, but the there was only one teacher in my vocational school and after one year of her class, I just could not stand it anymore. Though my grades in the class were fine, she had this incomprehensible accent and her use of the English language in general was not much better. I think it would've been better to grit my teeth so that I'd have the language on my transcript, however I didn't think ahead back then. I'm basically asking if you guys know of any online language courses I could take that would act equivalently to taking the class in High school. I plan to start attending full-on course in the Fall and I want to do whatever it takes to have a language under my belt before I apply. I don't want to repeat myself, but as to avoid spending money on a redundant class, I want to make sure that the course I take will be liable as the equivalent; as long as it shows up when the admissions' office looks over my applications I couldn't care less. I would prefer for it to be online but if there are make-up language courses locally, then I'd ask where I should start looking to find where these might classes might be held. Now I know none of you know exactly where I live and the like, but where would I go to ask if any local schools in my area host such make-up courses? To sum it up, I just want to make it easier for myself to get into college, so please assist me ^^.</p>


<p>Foreign language courses are frequently offered at local community colleges.</p>

<p>Your best option would be to take it at a community college. The good online programs (Rosetta Stone, Berrlitz, etc.) won’t get you ready for a college class.</p>