NEW ACT score does that change my chances at these schools in Illinois ?

<p>current location: IL
school type : Public not the best sends some to schools like NU, Princeton , Upenn
ethnicity : Asian (Indian )
GPA: 2.69
ACT: ( NEW)21 retaking it in October just to send in to maybe change minds on rejecting me hoping for a 23-24 ( if you guys need subscores please let me know )
ECs: scholastic Bowl 3 years ( JV captain soph year )
played Freshman soccer
speech team for a year
ecology club for 2 years
pep assembly club for 3 years
Spanish club for 3 years
volunteered for local hospital ER and renal Dialysis 15+ hours
Freshman Advisor
conducted research on staph infections with a professor from CSU ( Chicago state University ) 25+ hours</p>

<p>Recs : getting them from mostly Junior year teachers english teacher should write a strong one along with one from spanish teacher</p>

<p>prospective schools :
UIC ( university of IL at Chicago )
NIU ( Northern IL university )
Loyola Chicago ( double legacy Dad did his med school there and was offered an assistant professor job for nephrology there and older brother is currently attending there )
pending I get rejected from everywhere local CC for a year or 2 and then try and transfer to Umich for Business
(Applying to all as a LAS undeclared major would like to double major in accounting and International Business )</p>

<p>Freshman year
1st semester
Health ed - C+
Spanish 1 - A-
Algebra 1 - D-
World History - B+
Biology I - B+
English 1 - B-
GPA = 2.5</p>

<p>2nd semester
PE - A-
Spanish 1 - B-
Algebra1 - C+
World History - A
Biology - B
English - A
GPA 2.8</p>

<p>Sophomore year
1st Semester
PE - B-
Spanish II - C+
Formal Geometry - D+
English II - B+
Chemistry - D
Economics - B+</p>

<p>2nd Semester
PE - B+
spanish II - C
Formal Geometry - F ( retook the sem I failed online and got a B+ )
english II - A
Chemistry - D+
Sociology - A-
( took a summer class also called Art Appreciation got an A in it also )
gpa 2.58
Junior year</p>

<p>1st semester
Early Bird PE - B
Spanish III - B
U.S. Foreign Policy - B+
English III - B
Human Anatomy - B
AP U.S. History - B
Algebra II - D+</p>

<p>GPA : 2.64
2nd semester</p>

<p>Early Bird PE - C+
Spanish III - B
Public Speaking - B
English III- A+
Human Anatomy - B
AP U.S. History - B ( 2 on AP exam )
Algebra II - D-</p>

<p>GPA : 2.69</p>

<p>current classes for senior year</p>

<p>Accounting I
Creative writing ( 2nd semester College Bound Composition )
Trigonometry ( 2nd semester Finite Mathematics )
Spanish 4</p>

<p>There are a lot of people from my school (I'm in central Illinois) who have similar stats as you and go to UIC, NIU, Depaul, and Loyola. I'd say your best shot is at Loyola with the legacy. Getting that ACT score up to 23-24 will help immensely!</p>

<p>bump 10char :)</p>

<p>I'm not sure about most the schools, but with a 21 I'd say you're in at NIU.</p>

<p>Most of the Loyola students I knew were in the honors program and had turned down Northwestern, Illinois, Villanova, etc. for various reasons. So I can't say for certain where you compare. But according to the stats on NCES, it's at the low end. The 25th-percentile (75% have or better stats) ACT scores of these schools are NIU 20, UIC and DePaul 21, LUC 23. However, NIU is not a safety as it recommends a 23 for GPAs under 2.75 or the lower half of their class.</p>

<p>You still stand a fair chance at Loyola as their application and admissions process is comprehensive. Work on your essay.
Also a tip: be clear in your interest for business (or economics, easier to get into and you can always transfer into business), not undecided. Less they may look at your hospital volunteer work and think you want to join their popular premed program.</p>

<p>anyone got any other advice ?</p>

<p>bump 10char :) also my principal as offered to write me a recommendation and im turning in a creative wrtiting piece i wrote that will be featured in my local newspaper and school newspaper</p>

<p>found out my class rank a couple days ago
I'm ranked 224 out of 495 that put me in the top 45% so am I safe for NIU atleast now ?</p>

<p>BUMP 10 char should be applying this week by wedsnesday if everything goes planned still waiting for one final recommendation from a teacher , and volunteer verification from the hospital</p>

<p>bump 10char :) Also I sent in all my applications already besides Loyola I'm waiting on one last rec and I'll be applying on wednesday</p>

<p>You have a good chance at NIU, dont know much about Depaul, but Loyola could be a reach, that GPA is coming back to bite you but apply as early as possible so you have a good chance by early I mean like right now aka next week at the latest</p>

<p>BUMP 10CHAR every single application is in now !</p>

<p>just applied to my hail mary school Indiana University Bloomington</p>

<p>I've got into Northern Illinois University undeclared business program chance me for rest of the schools</p>