<p>This September will be my first time taking the ACT as a senior and I was wondering if anyone had any helpful tips? I just started to study and I did one practice English portion and got 10 wrong out of 71. Not sure how that correlates with the ACT scoring. Anyway, am I better off just doing practice tests or is there anything else I should complete? Thanks</p>
<p>Hi! Im also a new act taker and have borrowed several books from libraries to study. So far ive tried barrons kaplan princetin review and the red act book. In my opinion (and many will agree) is that the red act book is the best to study from. Its written by the ACT company so ur sure its the most accurate analagous to the blue college board book for the SAT… Im taking my ACT for the first time in Oct so good luck to us both and those taking it :)</p>
<p>Alright! Thanks you so much, and yes good luck :)</p>