New Head at Thacher

Well…it’s been 2+ years since I was last on this site, despite being a fairly prolific user from '08 - '21. But, Thacher took some actions with respect to a former Headmaster that I thought were unconscionable and so I went from biggest Thacher booster ever to “the sound of silence” almost overnight. But a few fantastic things have happened recently and I’m thrilled.

First, there were some changes at the Board level that augur very well for the future. And second, the School announced yesterday the hiring of Jeff Hooper as the new Head. Jeff has been on the Thacher faculty for years and served as acting Head while the search was underway. He is a truly outstanding choice. Smart, modest, and devoted to the kids, Jeff epitomizes the School’s ethos of hard work, its values of Honor, Fairness, Kindness and Truth, faithfulness to the School’s unique balance of academic rigor and the great outdoors, a sense of humor and a ready smile. The Thacher School | Jeff Hooper Becomes Thacher's Next Head of School

Well done, Thacher!


Always good to see familiar faces

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