Or they desperately need more professors as others approach retirement.
That’s not happening at Oxford College at the moment - biology department retirements I mean.
I think what’s driving the Oxford biology hiring are:
- increased enrollment in recent classes
- Biology 141QW/Biology 142QW sequence are very popular
- Biology 141QW/Biology 142QW sequence enrollment per section is capped at around 25 students so they're very teaching intensive.
@BiffBrown @emorynavy : retirements definitely affect ECAS, plus there is a push to further enhance research infrastructure. I suspect the enrollment growth (unless anymore miscalculations by the admissions office and enrollment management occur) will wane soon. I don’t know what is going on, but it seems enrollments in various general/intro. STEM classes are only as high or slightly lower than previously despite them attempting to allocate a higher number of seats (altogether, when all sections are summed, not necessarily per section) in anticipation of higher enrollments.