New Jersey Scholars Program 2022

Did anyone apply to NJSP for summer of 2022? I’m looking for fellow nominees and some helpful advice!

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My DS was a finalist two years ago, but ultimately wasn’t selected. It turned out fine bc he got to go to the NJ Governors School of Engineering & Technology instead. He did go through the interview process for NJ Scholars, so lmk if you have any questions!

AFAIK it’s still held at Lawrenceville, which is where I went to high school, so I can answer any questions about the school, as well.

Congrats to your child!

Wow, I’m glad they ended up going to the governs school! Congrats to them! I just have a general question of what they asked and how it went/environment? Thank you!

Thanks! For the ‘interview’, his was virtual due to Covid, which was a bit of a disappointment. It was via Zoom. I think there were somewhere between 4 & 6 kids, along with a leader from the program. The leader gave them a topic to discuss/debate, and then just let them all talk. He made some comments himself through the disussion, but it was mainly led by the students. Students basically picked a side and presented their position, then defended themselves to other students. So, it was a balance of wanting to talk enough to be noticed and present some good points vs. not wanting to appear like you are trying to steal the limelight from everyone else. The topic was also a little bizarre. I can’t remember what it was, but I think you can find some examples if you google on Reddit maybe?

Good luck!

That’s quite interesting. Hopefully interviews are in person this year. Thank you so much! I really appreciate you telling me this!

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Hey, since it’s nearing the end of February, I was wondering if anyone has gotten notified yet?

I personally have not been notified yet. I wasn’t sure if they are sending a letter or via email but I have been checking both.

Any updates?

Nothing sadly…you?

Nothing here yet haha

Let me know when you do lol! I’ll let you know when I get something!

I just got an email saying how they will be sending out an email telling us if we get an interview later on in the week so to keep an eye!

I got an interview! The email was in my promotions folder

YAYYY! I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! You’re going to do great on your interview! Keep me updated!

Unfortunately, I didn’t get an interview but would you mind sending me your application? I know that’s a werid question but I want to see what I did wrong so I can be more prepared when it’s time to apply for college.

Hi! Did anyone else have their interview already? (I did!) How are you all feeling?

Does anyone know when decisions are coming out?

I’m not sure, but most likely this week.

anyone recieve anything?

Not yet