New Look for the CC Community

Not in love with this new style but thanks for keeping the old one available :slight_smile:

For me it’s easier to read the black on white type, the cyan links on the white are alittle tougher to read but when you pass over them they turn to red, which is easy to read. I like the new design.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the CC option! For a moment there I was terrified!

It’s changes like this that make me consider becoming a conservative.

Very fresh, but “ouch”, my eyes are tearing up…haha…it’s soooo bright! I literally jumped in my seat–it kind of woke me up :slight_smile: Hmm, I guess it’ll take some getting used to!

It will take some getting used to, but I like it.

Really, the color is awful! too bright, too aqua, please, darken the color of the fonts, please!

just changed it back to the original, sorry, I usually am very accepting of new ideas, this one doesn’t seem to be a very good one, although “bright!”

The old one is much easier on the eyes. Design is cute, but not practical.

Darker colors are definitely easier on the eyes

I’m too old to get used to new things. Switched it back immediately.

You have to sign in, then go to Edit section to find Edit Options, and then you have to click on Forum Skins in order to find the CC, which you click on to revert to the classic appearance of this website.

It’s like staring into a light. Not good.

It’s nice.

I changed it back. Wth it was all bright.

too bright, jeez…

I used to have to go outside to stare at the sun. Not anymore!!! All of the blindness I want with none of that ghastly sunburn!!! Thanks CC!!

Well, now I have a reason to log in more often :wink:

My eyes hurt now looking at that color scheme and mind I tell you that it’s been approx. 5 minutes that I’ve changed it back and they still ****in’ hurt.

I do not like the color scheme. Definitely need something darker.