New Poll....what's next?

<p>...what you'll do if Princeton didn't work out.</p>

<p>I'm not counting on a Pton acceptance this April, but it remains my first choice by far. I've applied to Vanderbilt, Cornell, and Dartmouth RD; and if none of these options work out I've already been accepted to UMich with merit money under rolling admission. So, worst come to worst, I at least have somewhere to go next year. (I won't be one of those "School? I don't need no stinking school" types!)</p>

<p>Thanks for starting this - I'll be interested to see what other deferees choose.</p>

<p>Haha...I chose "plan B = A" too, kat1.....of course :)
I listed my deferral reversal strategy on my Xanga...similar to yours, I think.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>whoa, this poll thing is cool. And yay for both kats! I'm glad you still like Princeton. I hope it likes you too soon :)</p>

<p>Way to personify Princeton, Phil.</p>

<p>"Pleased to meet you, Princeton." <em>extends hand for handshake</em></p>

<p>And that's exactly how it happens, too :) Good times.</p>

<p>its okay.... even if we didn't get in ed, we know we tried.. its better than having to go to like a community college ED, then regret not applying princeton ed....</p>

<p>Haha, does community college ED even exist? Usually they're rolling admissions I believe.</p>

<p>fair point :)</p>

<p>re-reserving my spot as final poster in this thread. yes, fair point. mmm.</p>

<p><em>dips under the velvet rope and steals spot</em></p>

<p>heifer! yeah, that's right. I called you a female cow. But only in the most affectionate way. Wanna fight?! I want some Doritos...:(</p>

<p><em>passes over the bag to Phil, munching contentedly like a heifer but not intending to spit up her cud in any way, shape, or form</em></p>

<p><em>takes bag and sends it off to forensics for testing</em></p>

<p>so does that mean you're ruuuuuminating?</p>

<p>Hahaha. Okay, so that was definitely an AP english inside joke right there. And a bad one at that.</p>

<p><em>sees that kat1 and phil are busily munching away on Doritos and takes place as final poster</em></p>

<p>Victory is mine! Buahahah.</p>

<p><em>throws a Dorito at Kebree's forehead</em></p>

<p><em>shocked at waste of Dorito (which cannot be bought in Beijing) - jumps in front of Kebree, catches unwanted and unloved Dorito and eats it... ahhh..... bliss.....</em></p>

<p><em>takes the One Ring off, dodges Dorito [thanks, cevonia :)], and regains status as final and greatest poster</em></p>

<p>yum...doesn't Beijing have those wonderful tomato flavored Lay's potato chips favorite flavor...<em>whimper</em> I miss them.</p>

<p>hmm... must go try them (thanks haosquared).</p>