New SAT or ACT?! Urgent help!

Hi! I’m currently a junior in high school right now and I’m not sure what to do.

ACT: the math and english section is easy for me, but not the reading and science. I struggle with the timing.
New SAT: english is easy, reading is easier for me than the ACT because it seems like the passages are easier to understand and the timing is better, but I struggle a lot with the math. (The curve will probably be more lenient since it is a new exam?)

Now, I do plan on taking both, but I’m not sure what to sign up for: ACT prep classes or SAT prep classes?
Also, if you know any good programs that has classes for both (or either the ACT or SAT), please let me know.

I’d take both once and see which you like better. There is more prep material for the ACT. Timing can be improved by lots of practice. The Science section is mostly about interpreting graphs and tables, you don’t need to know any content.

I am also having this issue. You should see which one you excel in most then take courses for that one. Im literally having this issue

Which exam are you doing better on the practice tests?

Method Test Prep has practice material for both new SAT and ACT. My rising junior D is focusing on the ACT prep work but plans to take both tests in June and retest in October with the test she feels better about. It is a tough position to be in… My son is a senior, he took the ols SATs 2x and was done!!