New to this - please chance me for Ivy Leagues (plus MIT/Stanford/Caltech)

<p>Hi! I'm a freshman at a very rigorous college prep school. I probably shouldn't be worried about this, but it seems like nowadays people my age are doing all kinds of awesome things (designing nuclear reactors, patenting technological innovations, etc.), and I was just curious about my chances for the top colleges in the U.S.</p>

<p>Gonna be honest here - I haven't done much in the way of achievement yet, but I want to be a politician and aerospace engineer. My parents think I work too hard, but I feel like I don't really do enough, since I'm just involved in the things I'm interested in… is there anything else I should do?</p>

<p>So without further ado, here's my list of "statistics":
-2170/2400 on the SATs (took them in 7th grade for a summer program): 780 in Writing, 750 in Reading, 640 in Math (I hated math in middle school, even though I love it now, don't judge :P), 9/12 on the essay
-740 on the Biology SAT II test (took it @ the end of 8th grade)
-Straight As in school (IDK about my GPA, my lowest grade right now is a 96, I'm in all possible advanced classes)
-Did debate for a while, didn't love it so I stopped (after placing 9th at Nationals in middle school)
-Won a national writing competition in 8th grade
-Classical piano for about 10-11 years, I practice about 1 1/2 hours a day so I'm pretty good (yeah I don't wanna be a musician, but I really love it)<br>
-JV Fencing
-Model UN
-Science Olympiad (team)
-Inventeams (on my school's team for a MIT robotics competition)
-Law Society (I work with a pro bono law firm)
-Mock Trial
-Tutor for Reading Partners (a program designed to help children read at/above their target grade reading level)
-School Ambassador (like Student Council, we work on outreach and admissions)
-People say I'm eloquent/a good writer (IDK?? I'm good at extemporaneous/public speaking, but I don't think colleges really care about that)</p>

<p>That's it. Sorry if I seem like I'm too ambitious, but I have no idea what's realistic at this point… anyway, thanks!! :D</p>

<p>Forgot to add this - I’m half Asian (a quarter Russian, and a quarter random European countries) and a girl.
I’m also involved in way too many fandoms. Doctor Who, Avengers, Sherlock, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc…</p>

<p>I’m assuming you’re going to take your SAT I again. If you got 2170 in middle school, I’m sure that come application time you’ll have a 2300+. Try the ACT. Get that math score up.</p>

<p>You are in a lot of activities. Pick a few important ones that you enjoy and really shine at them. It’s better to do one remarkable thing than 10 inconsequential things.</p>

<p>You have a lot of time. My advice is this. Stay focused and be passionate.</p>

<p>bump? Kinda confused about all this… will chance back as best I can!</p>

<p>Wow. I am a ninth grader too, and want to get into ivy league too, but I am in no way as involved as you are. Take a deep breath. You are MORE than prepared, and things in middle school dont matter which is sad since ive done great things there too :frowning: Oh and im a whovian too :)</p>

<p>@LittleBookOwl: Darn, everything I’ve done is in middle school… but oh well. All my friends want to go to Ivies and have SO MUCH MORE going on than I do, so I was a little worried. I guess we have 3 more years to prepare, though.
And on another note - Raggedy man, goodnight. :’(</p>

<p>I just feel like you need to take a deep breath. You’re so young and obviously quite excellent! Stay on this track and you’ll have entry into wherever you heart desires. I mean seriously, a 2170 in middle school? That’s higher than 98% of high school seniors taking the test.</p>

<p>Don’t miss any opportunities to stand out in the crowd. Start a small business, build a robot, make efforts toward curing cancer! You have the potential to do whatever you set your mind to; I predict triple admission into MIT, Stanford and CalTech. :)</p>

<p>Its okay you have 3 more years to prepare.

<p>If you keep it up, you can have your own pick from all the top schools. Keep studying for the SAT and you can definitely bring it up. Also, try the ACT. Keep up your grades, enter more writing competitions since you seem to be good at it. Continue piano, maybe get involved in something to do with piano at your school? Try for Varsity Fencing. For all of your activities, aim for some kind of achievement or award, whether you have to apply for it or not, just keep thinking about that. Take challenging classes if you can. If you have any extra time, try to volunteer or get a job/internship nearby regarding your intended major. Consider making a website about something you’re interested in. Try and get a leadership position in any clubs you can. Consider self-publishing a book on something you are interested in. You’re on your way to a great future at an amazing school! Keep working hard and stay positive.</p>

<p>Wow. If your friends have so much more than you do, then they and/or their parents (sorry, I just responded to you in another thread about “tiger mom”) need to just calm down and relax. </p>

<p>Just keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll be on track for all of those schools. Cheers.</p>

<p>You are on a fantastic track for college. Don’t stress about it too much. Don’t worry about number of activities; find things you love and be incredible at them. Quality really is more important than quantity for applications. Good luck and have fun in high school!</p>

<p>Keep prepping. You are certainly on the right track.</p>

<p>Comments?<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You are completely fine! Just keep up the grades, retake the SAT, maybe add a couple more SAT 2’s, and gain some leadership roles</p>

<p>please tell me how you got work with a law firm as a freshman. very curious to know</p>

<p>I’m Asian/Russian too :slight_smile: I think your stats are very good. However, I’m also curious; how did you get a job at a law firm already? That’s very impressive, I certainly don’t know many 14 year olds running around at law firms :slight_smile: I think you’re fine, if you want you can retake the SAT’s in a year or so, I’m sure by then you’ll make it to the 2300’s if not to a perfect 2400. Also, make sure to take ‘difficult’ classes throughout high school; getting all A’s in honors classes will not look as good as getting all A’s in AP classes.
Good luck!</p>

<p>I agree, it’s wayyyy too early to really make any kind of worthwhile predictions so don’t worry about any of that just yet. Just work hard, don’t procrastinate, and enjoy high school! It’s pretty impressive you got a 2170 in 7th grade. You should be shooting for 2400 at this point.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Btw, I go to a school on the West side, if that matters at all…</p>

<p>With this in freshman year you have great chances</p>

<p>HYPS: reach
MIT: mid reach
cornell, columbia, dartmouth, brown, u penn: low to mid reach
caltech: reach</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;