New York Students who are looking to Apply to UC for fall 2016


I’m a student from NYC and planning to apply to UC. I was looking through the UC’s out-of-state requirements and they seem pretty vague. It would be really great if any current student of UC from NY can give some advice for NY students who want to apply to UC and explain the requirements better. The perspective applicants can also discuss about the application and help each other.

Thank You

What is vague about these course requirements? Of course, these are the mimimums. Most applicants have 2-3 years social science, 4 years English, 4 years Math, 3-4 years Science, 1 year Visual/Performing Art and 3 years of a Language. You also need to take the most rigorous courses available at your HS, be it AP/IB or Dual Enrollment.

History/social science (“a”) – Two years, including one year of world history, cultures and historical geography and one year of U.S. history, or one-half year of U.S. history and one-half year of American government or civics.

English (“b”) – Four years of college preparatory English that integrates reading of classic and modern literature, frequent and regular writing, and practice listening and speaking.

Mathematics (“c”) – Three years of college-preparatory mathematics that include or integrate the topics covered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three-dimensional geometry.

Laboratory science (“d”) – Two years of laboratory science providing fundamental knowledge in at least two of the three disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

Language other than English (“e”) – Two years of the same language other than English or equivalent to the second level of high school instruction.

Visual and performing arts (“f”) – One year chosen from dance, music, theater or the visual arts.

College-preparatory elective (“g”) – One year chosen from the “a-f” courses beyond those used to satisfy the requirements above, or courses that have been approved solely in the elective area.

@Gumbymom I took Foreign Language for 2 years because I took an exam in 8th grade to pass Spanish 1. Therefore, I took Spanish 2 in freshman and Spanish 3 in sophomore year. Is that valid?

Yes, actually you have 3 years since you took up to Spanish 3.

I didn’t know what the “A-G” courses were, after digging a bit more it became more clear. One of the requirements for out of states students say that they have to have a minimum C in all those courses. I have mostly As, however, in my senior year I received two Ds in my AP U.S. history course. I have a SAT score of 2300 and got 680 on US history SAT subject test. I was wondering if I still could apply. I met all other requirements (I’ll be taking 1 year of visual and performing arts and 4th year of mathematics in my senior year)

  1. Unless you retake the class, your D’s will be figured into your UC GPA:
    What is your UC GPA? Minimum UC GPA for OOS applicants is 3.4 to apply.

  2. You can satisfy the US History requirement with a score of 550 or above on the SAT subject test, so you do qualify.

  3. Depending upon which UC’s you are targeting, 2 D’s on your transcripts are going to hurt you alot in admissions. Even by fulfilling your US History requirement with the SAT II test, I would still retake US History and replace your D’s.

  4. As an OOS applicant, you will receive little to no financial aid or merit aid at any of the UC’s. Expect to pay at the minimum of $23K/year plus your EFC up to $55K/year to attend.

  5. Your SAT score is very competitive, but it will still not make up for a less than stellar academics in HS.

You need to weigh your chances at the UC’s you want to apply vs. the application fees and your chances for an acceptance.

In your “senior year” you received 2 D’s, so if you’ve already graduated were you planning on going in as a transfer? I’m confused. Did you gap? You can’t make up those Ds in classes at the high school.

Sorry, missed that the D’s were in Senior year? If this is true, then the D’s will be a big problem along with the hit to the GPA. @"aunt bea this may be typo because OP is also stating they will be taking a VPN class and Math in their Senior year. US history is usually taken in Junior year but either way D’s are problem for the UC’s.

I’m assuming junior year as well, but still confused @Gumbymom.

Agree ^^^

I’m sorry I meant my *junior year. @Gumbymom @“aunt bea”

Just to clarify more, I have 95% average in my transcript (I don’t know what that will be in UC GPA, I’ll let you know after I calculate it). Those two Ds are the only bad grades I have received in my three years of high school. Seems like it’s gonna hurt my chances at getting into UC. Plus, I do need financial aid. Thank you for your suggestions @Gumbymom and @“aunt bea” !

If you are in-need of FA, then I would cross the UC’s off the list. You could run the Net Price Calculator, but for sure you would have to pay the OOS tuition fees of $23K/year and the UC’s will be increasing tuition costs by 8% over the next few years. Great schools, but very expensive if not in-state.

Yep, agree, it’s $55k per year minimum. Scholarships and FA are extremely limited for OOS students.

See the link