Newcomb Scholars and Tulane Scholars

I’ve been highlighting Newcomb Scholars (for women) and Tulane Scholars (for all) as a strong and differentiating factor for those considering Tulane. Especially students who have a pronounced inclination towards a high-level academic experience in their plans for college. So I thought I would highlight this short feature that was posted on Tulane’s news site today. Just FYI.

Here is a piece about how the new Tulane Scholars program is progressing.

How are Tulane Scholars selected? And when?

I don’t know all the details, but I can find out. I know you apply after you arrive on campus in the fall. I believe the selections are made sometime in the Spring semester. If you want I can double check on that and get back to you. The Honors Program website isn’t responding right now, so I don’t know if the information is there. But I can find out elsewhere.

OK, the web site is working again. Here is the information. I was wrong about the selections date, that is apparently around Thanksgiving.

The application and selection process for Tulane Scholars Program were both completed during the fall semester. The application was due fairly early, just after the fall interim grades were available. The selections were then made about a month later as I recall. Because there is a required spring course for the Tulane Scholars, those admitted had to know before spring class selection occurred. Hope this helps.

That makes so much sense I am embarrassed! Thanks Vandy!