<p>Freshman year course load depends on the person. Some people take an incredible number (70-ish) of units. Average is mid 40's, a "heavy" course load is one above 48 units. A standard class is 9 units, some labs are 6 units, and some classes have weird numbers of units. Extra-curriculars are generally 3 units. Taking fewer than 36 units or more than 54 units (51 if the person is a freshman) requires a petition to UASH, the Undergraduate Academic Standards and Honors committee. Sophomore year is a little heavier, with classes in one's major and a few core classes left. Junior year varies by major. Senior year can be light or heavy; if one has fulfilled all his requirements and taken more units than necessary in previous years, the course load might be light. With research or a struggle to get 3 PEs and some extra humanities/social science classes, there could be a heavier course load. </p>
<p>I provide my schedule for review. Sports take up far more than 3 units of time (it's more like 10-16 for track, I don't know about other sports). I'd say my course load is only slightly heavier than normal. First and third term freshman year were left light intentionally: first term I did it to let myself adjust to college life more easily, third term I did it to adjust to being on grades. </p>
<p>Ma = math, Ph = physics, APh = Applied Physics (my major), PS = political science, Ec = Economics, Bi = biology</p>
<p>1st term I took:
(units are in front)
9 Ph 1a (Classical Mechanics)
9 Ma 1a (Single-Variable Calculus)
6 Ch 1a (General Chemistry)
6 APh 9a (Solid-State Electronics for Integrated Circuits Lab)
9 Hum/H 3a (Medieval European History)
3 PE 23 (track and field class)
2 Ph 10 frontiers in physics
1 E 2 frontiers in Engineering & Applied Sciences</p>
<p>2nd term:
9 Ph 1b (analytical track) (Special Relativity, Electricity and Magnetism)
9 Ma 1b (analytical track) (Linear Algebra)
9 Ch 1b (General Chemistry)
6 Ch 3 (Fundamental Techniques of Experimental Chemistry)
6 APh 9b (Solid-State Electronics for Integrated Circuits Lab)
3 PE 85 (intercollegiate track and field team)
9 Hum/Pl 8 (Right and Wrong)</p>
<p>3rd term:
9 Ph 1c (analytical track) (Electricity and Magnetism)<br>
9 Ma 1c (analytical track) (Multivariable Calculus)
9 Bi 1 (Drugs and the Brain)<br>
9 Ec 11 (intro. to economics)<br>
3 PE 85 (intercollegiate track and field team)
3 PE 50 (Badminton; I took two PEs because track only went 3 weeks into third term,)</p>
<p>Now (Soph. year, 1st term) I am taking
9 Ph 12a (Waves, Quantum Physics, and Statistical Mechanics)
9 Ma 2a (Analytical Track) (Differential Equations)
9 PS 12 (Introduction to Political Science)
9 PS/Ec 172 (Non-Cooperative Games in the Social Sciences)
6 Ph 3 ("Physics Lab" That's not a very descriptive name. This is the freshman physics lab, and serves as an introduction to experimental technique. Lots of error analysis. Get to play with a Maxwell Top, AC and DC circuits, and an inverted pendulum. Pretty tame stuff, except that I've never had a lab with AC circuits before.)
9 APh 17 (Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics)</p>
<p>Next term I plan on taking
9 Ph 12b (Waves, Quantum Mechanics, and Statistical Physics)
9 Ma 2b (Probability and Statistics)
9 APh 17b (Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics)
6 APh 23 (Demonstration Lectures in Optics, prerequisite for APh 24, "Introductory Modern Optics Laboratory" where I think I'll be able to make a hologram. I've wanted to do that since I was a little kid :) )
9 Ph 6 ("Physics Laboratory" is the official title. Course catalog says, "Experiments in electromagnetic phenomena such as electromagnetic induction, properties of magnetic materials, and high-frequency circuits. Mobility of ions in gases; precise measurement of the value of e/m of the electron." I thought it sounded cool.)
9 Law 33 (Introduction to the Law)</p>
<p>If any frosh have any questions about the classes I've taken, I'd be happy to answer them.</p>