<p>For some perspective, I’m still a first term frosh.</p>
<p>Pros: My friends can coroberate that I am overjoyed to be here. I work as much here on a slow work week as I did on a heavy week in HS, but don’t mind. What this really comes down to is that while I might not enjoy doing all my work, on the whole I might go as far as to say I enjoy it. For example I would say that my CS work was what I enjoyed least. That said, while it was sometime frustrating, many of the problems were interesting which made it rewarding. In addition, collaberation makes the work more enjoyable. I like math and science, but a problem set is more enjoyable if you’re doing it with friends (and taking and occasional break with them if the set is particularly long). Persoanally, I like the House system. I didn’t get into my first choice of House, but I am happy there, and I think the system while flawed, provides a great framework for undergrad culture. Every House has traditions, and while they are completely optional, they are fun to partake in if that is what you like. The research opportunities are also great. If you are even thinking about doing research, I would suggest you try it. On a side note if you decide to come here, try taking some pizza courses (the course numbers are 10), while not research, these are good a good start. Finally, I would say that the Honor Code is what makes this all work. Many schools have an Honor Code, but to my knowledge few if any take it as seriously as Caltech. Students take it into consideration at all times, and I have been in several conversations over how it pertains to given situations. </p>
<p>Cons: I imagine that once I am off pass/fail I will begin to complain about the work load, but I cannot forsee that ever affecting my desire to be here. The other things I dislike about Tech are overwhelmed by what I do like about it. I know some people that were victims of Rotation and ended up in Houses that they did not like at all. However, some of them grew to like the House they were put in, and as for the others it is possibel to change Houses (after some time). The latter group often end up spending a lot of time in the House they like more, and eventually find a way to get there. There are some friends that I lost touch with after rotation, but I still am friends with most. However, I would say that my best friends are in my House, and that many if not most of these, became ym friends after Rotation. Therefore, the way I see it, while I made good friends through my House, there are some friends that I could have gotten to know better if I was in the same house. My roommate and I have talked about how different life woudl be if we had ended up in a different house, whether this is good or bad, I am not sure. Last of all, I personally fidn some of the student life groups here a bit arcane in their customs and conduct. I haven’t had problems with them personally, but the flow of information could be improved. As it is information sometimes seems to come down from Sinai as it were with little or no explaination or forwarning. I imagine this last point exist everywhere to some degree, but the facility in correcting it, makes it bothersome to me.</p>