Newhouse Job/ Internship Placement

<p>I know that this subject has been exhausted throughout previous threads, but I was hoping that some could help to update it. At this point, I feel that one of the large, deciding factors in my decision to transfer to Newhouse is found in the Job and Internship placements that Newhouse grads/ students are currently experiencing. I read that, at one time, Newhouse had a job placement rating of 98% for graduates. Obviously, the job market is far from favorable these days, though. What have some of your experiences been?</p>

<p>Any input would be great!!</p>

<p>I heard that the most recent stat is 89%. The son of a friend of mine just graduated from Newhouse last Spring and still does not have a full time job. He has pieced together 2 or 3 part-time jobs. While at Syracuse he had some terrific internships.</p>

<p>Do you know by any chance what kind of internships he had? Does anyone know what kind of internships are available at Syracuse? I’m just trying to weigh some of my options… and it being in upstate new york, there isn’t much to do here, whether you’re in Syracuse or not. Although, I imagine SU has some great connections.</p>

<p>Yeah, that seems about right. I know one grad from the dual Newhouse- Whitman program who found a small job fairly unrelated to her major. </p>

<p>89% still isn’t looking too shabby, though.</p>

<p>I second research maven; what kind of internships are out there for Newhouse students?</p>

<p>My daughter is in Newhouse, magazine journalism. We’re waiting to see if she gets an internship. Letters and resumes are out, now she waits. She is telling me that this year, particularly, you need to know someone, somewhere. It’s a really hard year for internships for newspaper and magazine. Her boyfriend got a great internship (without knowing anybody) with major league baseball dot com. But he’s a sports writer… Also, for magazine, New York City is the best bet. So interns need somewhere to live. NYU dorms are great for the summer, but you have to pay in advance for the entire 10 weeks. As soon as the website opens. So my daughter did that, and has a great apartment, which she’ll have to give up if she doesn’t get an internship. And most of the internships will be unpaid this year. I’ll update as she hears.</p>

<p>In Newhouse you are almost guaranteed a job but heres the catch, it may not start out as a high paying job unlike in the Whitman School you aren’t always guaranteed a job but when you do find one it will be a pay higher than that of Newhouse. The Ideal is to do well in high school and develop networking skills and build connections with people. That way, looking for a job wouldn’t be as tedious.</p>

<p>My friend’s son had an internship with one of those sports radio programs. I can’t remember if it was “mike and the Mad Dog” or another one like that. But the point is–he graduated 9 months ago and must live at home since he still does not have a full time job. There are no guarantees, especially in this economy.</p>

<p>House of London- ThreeKids mentioned this thread to me and I have to respond. There is no such thing as a guarantee. Newhouse gives you the education and the alumni network, but that is so little of the battle. The fact that so many students think they can rest on the Newhouse name is perhaps the biggest shame we have. It takes hard work and even a little luck. If you use Newhouse well, it may work better for you than other schools; it’s true we have an excellent alumni base (the Newhouse mafia, we call it) to offer help. But if you think putting Newhouse on your resume is going to get you the job, I hope you have a lot of luck on your side.</p>

<p>Threekids’kid, yes definitely. Despite being in Newhouse, you still have to put in the extra work and GPA is looked upon highly. The thing about Newhouse is that because its so renowned, getting a job in the filed of journalism, provided you have high stats during your college years, can be extremely attainable.</p>

<p>Actually, there’s something we’re all forgetting and that’s that Newhouse has 8 different majors and they all have different outlooks. TRF and BJ majors are likely to get a leg up from Newhouse. Newspaper majors are on their own, but the presence of The Daily Orange will definitely help. Oh, and no one cares about your GPA if you’re in newspaper. They barely care if you have a degree. All they want are clips. In fact, your GPA rarely matters for anything but grad school. Only a few mag internships I’ve applied for asked for GPA. I can’t say for sure about the rest of the majors. Can someone else?</p>

<p>Threekids’kid-You seem to have very good information on the true state of affairs.</p>

<p>Wow! I’m so glad to see that this thread caught on :). </p>

<p>I was accepted to Newhouse with a focus in Advertising. Someone said that certain majors are on their own; how is it for Ad majors?</p>